Turning my face to the sky, the sun presses a gentle hand to my cheeks, and I feel alive. So very, very alive.


Today — my birthday — is all blue sky and sunshine. I got up early to do laps at the pool to get my mind ready for what we're doing today because it's important. One of the most important days of my life. It's the day we give my dad's story the ending it deserves.

I never check my phone before I leave for a swim in case I get distracted so it's eight a.m. when I finally look to see a flood of messages has come in.

Finn sent me a message at 12.01 a.m.

Happy Birthday, J. Wanna steal the Sandman and go for a ride again?

I text him back, I'll go anywhere with you, Finnigan. XXX

Alex and Zee have both sent Happy Birthday messages.

Minda texted late last night: Leaving Singapore. My brother puked on the plane. This is the life.

I text her back: Just get here safe. Puke or no puke.

A message pops up from Claire.

We're on our way. Mum and Dad are so excited to meet you. Mara's driving down from Bendigo. Some other rellies and friends of the family too. Can't wait to see you Jenna! X

I hold my tears back and stare at her message. I'm excited and nervous about what's happening today. I chuck my swimming bag on the floor and drag on a hoodie over my t-shirt and shorts. My stomach is making gurgling sounds and I hope it's because I'm starving not because I'm tense about everything. As I open my door, my dad's wristband slides down my arm and I wrap my hand around it, press it to my skin like I do every morning.

He's here with me.

"Mornin', mornin'" I grin at Ben as I strut into the kitchen. He's wearing Mum's floral apron and is whipping up a storm with the hand mixer. He doesn't have to go back to Queensland for a few more days. I've got used to him being here when I get up. Being here to talk to. Just being here.

"How was the pool?" Ben says, turning the mixer down.

"Good," I say going to the fridge. "And now my work is done, it's officially my birthday."

Ben feigns surprise. "Today's your birthday? I had no idea."

I wink at him as I pour myself a glass of orange juice. "Want some?"

He shakes his head. "Happy Birthday, Jenna."


"Feel old?"

"Never gonna be as old as you."

Ben chuckles. "I've got a present for you. Let me get this cake in the oven then I'll show you."

I wave him away. "Carry on, cheffy."

"You could wash the dishes," Ben suggests.

"No one washes dishes on their birthday."

"Start a trend."

I groan and put the juice back into the fridge. "I'll only do it because you asked so nicely."

Ben grins and goes back to concentrating on his cake mix. "Looking forward to today?"

I scull my juice then run the taps and start to fill the sink; squirt a hard line of detergent under the water. "I think so."

"It might be hard on Abby," he glances across at me.

I nod. "I know. It's okay. You're here. And Finn and Minda's parents. People she knows. Where is she anyway? Did she go to work?"

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