Jimin didn't think for a second as he scrambled forward and dashed towards Taehyung's cell. Yoongi's hand slipped away Jimin's shoulder, followed by his alarmed shout. But Jimin couldn't hear him- his attention was solemnly focused on the images of Taehyung being tortured and beaten up, and the feeling of raw fear coursing through his body.

The sound of ringing filled Jimin's ears as he ran. Harsh pants left his lips and his small hands pushed away the prisoners around him, causing them to stumble off to the side and bump into another prisoner, which caused another fight to break out between them.

Yellow lights flashed throughout the hallway, caressing Jimin's pained features and attaching themselves to the chaos happening around him. Prisoners all height and size were jumping on each other- trying to inflict as much damage as they can before the riot was over and they'd be forced into their cells again. All the pent up anger and frustration, was finally released as the guards tried to use tasers and rubber bullets, only for a group of prisoners to barrel into them and knock them down. It was the uncontrollable rage from being treated like animals, that made the prisoners snap and fight back like it was a life or death situation. But in some cases, it was.

Jimin's small sneakers smacked against the floor and hand brushed against the concrete wall as he rounded a corner and dashed into another hallway. Before Jimin could take another step forward, a pair of muscular arms wrapped around him from behind.

A frantic yelp left Jimin's lips, he raised his legs and kicked the air- struggling against the arms wrapped around him. Yet despite Jimin's struggling, he was pulled away from the hallway and into an open cell.

"Calm down!"

The familiar voice of Yoongi hissed into his ear before he was slammed into the wall next to the door. The back of his head smacked against the concrete wall and his shoulder blades ached from the pressure put on them. Jimin winced and swallowed down a small whimper, his hands were curled against his chest and eyes slowly lifted to look into Yoongi's.

"Let me go, I have to look for Taehyung! Anything can happen to him and I'm not letting any of these animals hurt him!" Jimin rambled, pressing his hands against Yoongi's chest to punch and push him away.

Yoongi grabbed his wrists and shoved his hands down, before leaning in and lowering his voice, "If you would've listened to me, you would've heard that I've already sent someone to look for Taehyung. He's gonna be fine, worry about yourself." Yoongi spat harshly, making Jimin flinch back. Yoongi sighed at Jimin's reaction, and turned his head around to look at the inmate cowering in the corner of the cell with wide eyes, "Sit there and shut the fuck up." Yoongi threatened lowly, earning himself a few frantic nods.

Jimin huffed in disbelief, staring at the side of Yoongi's face as he ripped his hands away and shoved Yoongi to the side, "You sent, what, Jackson? I don't see any other guys you have in this prison." Jimin grumbled, pressing his fingers against his wrists and rubbing the red skin there.

He was about to push himself away from the wall and leave the cell, only for Yoongi to press a hand against his chest and push him back into it, "Listen, Jimin..." Yoongi began- voice stern and eerily calm. He spared another glance towards the third prisoner in the cell and sent him a glare- indicating for him to look away and not listen in. Yoongi turned to look back at Jimin, and his expression softened and hand slipped off of his chest, "You just have to trust me."

"Trust you?" Jimin scoffed in disbelief, shaking his head and crossing his arms over his chest. His lips parted to release a string of curses, only for the sound of footsteps to slide against his eardrums.

XOXO | YOONMIN |Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum