Chapter 5 - "Movie Night"

Start from the beginning

It seems Josie has a habit of getting her food on herself.

"Here, let me." Hope firmly grabs Josie's chin with one hand and brings the other up to Josie's hair. Josie acts as if their closeness isn't affecting her. She's totally fine. Yes, they are close enough that she can smell Hope's perfume, but so what? Josie doesn't care. She tells herself that she's not even bothered by it in the slightest. So what if she is close enough that she can make out every detail of Hope's face, that she can make out all the different shades of blue in Hope's eyes that make them so unique?

Like she just said, she doesn't care.

The third movie comes around, with Hope critiquing the first two, sharing what she liked and what didn't like. Josie also adds in her views. The one thing that they can both agree on and that Hope admits is rather accurate to real-life magic, is how important the pronunciation of spells is. One wrong turn and suddenly the whole spell is completely different and your whole class is running out of the room because you let off a stink bomb instead of making a light ball (Josie absolutely knows nothing about this and has never ever experienced anything of the sorts, at all because that would just be silly).

They are well into it now, and Josie is completely glued to the screen. This is her favorite one of the series, so much so that she can quote many scenes word for word. Josie wouldn't admit it, but one of the main reasons she fell in love with the movies is because she thinks the entire cast is beautiful (especially Daniel and Emma). Now, she enjoys it because it brings her comfort, and acts as an escape from reality if she ever needs it. But right now, she's perfectly content being in reality with Hope - the girl who is cuddled into Josie's side.

The movie reaches an intense scene, which Josie is already quoting. It also happens to be her favorite part of the movie. She grabs a handful of popcorn from the nearly empty bag, doing her best to chew quietly so she can still hear the movie. She focuses on what is being said whilst also enjoying the sweet flavor as it swirls around in her mouth.

"Hey Hope this is-" She stops mid-sentence when her eyes fall upon the face of a sleeping tribrid. It's way past curfew, so it's no wonder the girl is so tired. Josie is surprised Hope can even sleep with the sound of the music outside, though it is significantly less loud than earlier, as well as the movie.

Hope looks so cute and peaceful that Josie almost wants to coo at the sight. She probably would if her mind would let her think properly. All she can think about is how good it feels to be like this with Hope, how much she enjoys having Hope hold her like she doesn't want to let go. Josie's heart quickens at the thought and butterflies erupt in her stomach. She hasn't been able to shake this feeling for weeks and it is starting to get on her nerves.

She watches Hope's chest rises and falls with each breath, pausing the movie at the same time. It has been playing rather loudly. The last thing Josie wants is to disturb Hope. And for someone with super senses, Hope sure is a deep sleeper.

There is a simple explanation as to what she's been feeling lately, but she refuses to even consider it a possibility. Because if she does, if she lets her mind think that way about Hope again, then there is no going back. She tries to convince herself it is normal to feel this way around a best friend. Yep, totally normal.

She manages to release herself from Hope's grip and get off of the bed. Josie pulls the blanket up higher to cover Hope's body. Before leaving, she glances down at Hope one last time. She pushes the hair out of her face, letting her finger brush against silky skin.

"Goodnight, Hope." She whispers, still resting her hand against Hope's face. Josie's grateful it doesn't wake her up, because it would be very awkward to explain when she can barely register why she's doing it. Well, maybe she can. Maybe it is like some sort of test, to see if it makes her feel the way she doesn't want to feel.

And Josie can say with her whole chest, that if this is a test, then she's failing miserably.

And with that conclusion, she pulls her hand away and quietly rushes out of the room and towards her own.

The walk across the hallway feels longer than it ever has, with thoughts racing through her mind. Thoughts of how it seems her heart can never truly escape Hope's grasp, how this will probably go no better than last time. Her brain keeps telling her that Hope will never never, and has never looked at Josie the way she looks at her.

But more than anything, Josie worries that this new realization will put a strain on their friendship. It had been easy last time, they weren't close so she could avoid Hope and pretend she wasn't feeling everything that she was. Now, however, things are far more complicated.

Moonlight shines in through the window at the end of the hallway, and after what seems like decades, her hand reaches for her bedroom door. She lets out a huge sigh of relief as she walks in. The door closes and she presses her head against it, thinking, wishing that she didn't have to go and fall for the Mikaelson girl a second time. She closes her eyes, hoping that it would make everything go away...but it doesn't, because if she had turned around if she had looked, then she would know that her sister had left the party early and is walking out of their shared bathroom.

"What's up with you?" Lizzie says, with an underlying tone of her usual sass but a stronger sense of concern. Josie's eyes widen. She'd assumed she'd be alone for most of the night. Yet here she is, coming up with a lie on the spot.

"Nothing. I'm fine. Totally fine...You're back early." She changes the subject.

Please don't ask again.

She skips past her sister and stares into the bathroom mirror. It's no surprise when the smell of alcohol reaches her nose. The blonde had been ready to tell Josie all about her night, but her twin senses are tingling, telling her that something is wrong. Or not wrong, just...different.

"You are quite possibly the worst liar I have ever met, Josie." This leaves Josie with no idea what to say. She doesn't feel like talking about it with anyone right now, but she knows she needs to eventually. First, she just wants time to process everything that is going on inside her head.

"Can we just not talk about it right now? I just-I don't think I'm ready to."

"Okay, but I'm here when you need to." Lizzie smiles as she climbs into bed, making herself comfortable. She's trying to work to be more understanding and caring towards her sister, and less selfish.

"Thanks, Lizzie." Josie closes the bathroom door to get ready for the night. A night which will quite possibly lack sleep and be full of her constant thoughts. All of which, will be about the same thing...Hope.

Josie's brain just doesn't stop, because it is all making sense now: her heart beating faster when Hope is near, her lungs searching for air, her eyes doing what they want. Or maybe it has always been this way. It used to be before. Maybe it never stopped. Maybe Josie has always felt the butterflies around her and she just chose to ignore it. But there is no ignoring it this time. There's no denying it...

Josie likes Hope.

Authors note
Sorry if most of the Harry Potter stuff isn't accurate (I haven't watched it or read the books) I just felt like it would be something Josie might like.

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