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    ー nova and niall.

          today had easily been one of the most stressful days of novas life. She hopped into her car and put the key in the ignition. Last week she had boughten her first car, a beaten up toyota, but still something to get her around. Today she had taken it to the strip mall so she could buy some new clothes to pamper herself but some people felt the need to complicate things. Like come on TopShop! They were the ones who had sent her the freakin coupon so don't try and tell her it doesn't work.

Nova just wanted to get home and away from all mall. Driving out of the parking lot, she turned onto the main road. As the light turned red she fiddled with the radio. Luckily nothing by the boys came on. Once she settled on some mainstream channel she looked up to see that the light had changed so she pushed her foot on the petal and started forward. Suddenly, a small green car ran the red light and came at Nova's car from the side. Nova quickly slammed her breaks and rolled down the window.

"Asshole," she shouted honking her horn. He slowed down a bit but kept going. Nova slowly made her way through the intersection and thankfully the car behind her hadn't hit her when she had slammed on her breaks earlier. God what was with people today; did no one care about anyone anymore? Luckily she made it home fairly quickly. Nova had probably sped the whole way but who cares. All she wanted to do was take a nice hot bath.

Once Nova had parked and made her way into the building, she rode the elevator up to her level. She then unlocked the door and stepped though before placing the keys on the holder next to the light switch. As Nova set her bag on the counter top she noticed something odd. Near the far end of the couch were flower petals. That was new. Nova slowly made her way over to see that there was a entire trail of petals leading to the bedroom.

Nova cautiously followed it. It led her to her room and she gingerly pushed the door open before gasping at what she saw before her. Nova's hand covered her mouth in shock as she blinked a few times to make sure what she was seeing was real. Among her was hundreds of flowers filling her room. Literally hundreds. There was hardly any space for her to walk. Sunflowers and Daisies covered the place completely, Nova's two favourite types.

Her bed was piled about high with bouquets. Nova made her way to it and carefully took a seat, tempted to cry at the sight. Nova felt the petals that sat on the sheets and looked around. Suddenly she felt a movement to her right. Nova quickly jumped to her knees on the bed, facing the movement. Out of the tower of flowers came a figure. Nova's body tensed in anticipation. For a second she thought she was going to have to fight off the mystery man.

Relief shot through her however as Niall imaged from the pile of flowers. "Niall," Nova said in barley a whisper. Her head spun and her heart began to pound like crazy. What was happening right now. Was this a dream? Nova was so confused and overwhelmed but at the same time joy filled her tremendously as Niall's eyes looked deeply into her own. "Thank god you got home," he lightly laughed. "I thought I was going to die buried underneath all those flowers."

Nova said nothing for a moment but then threw herself on him and clung to him as if she was never going to let him get away. Nova just sat on top of him crying into the crook of his neck because girls got emotional at shit like this. "You left," she sobbed. "You left me and you didn't call of text or anything and you forgot about me even though you promised," she continued, upset because he thought he could just show up after not saying anything to her for three months. He thought he could just fill her entire room with thousands of flowers like he was some freakin romantic as if he hadn't completely shut Nova out before. "You left me."

"Shh. I know baby, but I'm here now," he whispered into Nova's neck placing a kiss there. Was this really happening. Just when she though she was ready to forget about him he was here again. Nova wanted to shove him off the bed and kick him out and throw something expensive and fragile at the wall and be pissed at him but she couldn't. Not when with his hands around her waist and with his eyes deeper than ever and with his hair in that sexy messy look. Nova pulled away and sat up straight.

"Look Nov. I know what I did was wrong. I know I shouldn't have shut you out and ignored you but I just- god I was falling for you but I couldn't get caught up in love because I had shows to play and interviews to go to. I didn't want to be torn between music and a girl you know. So I thought if I just let you go I would move on but doing that only made me realize how completely and hopelessly hard I am feeling for you," he cried out. Nova's eyes changed at his words and wasn't sure if he was hearing him right.

"This is so cliche and I know you're totally against falling for strangers but I know my feeling for you are strong. I am so sure of that. Like all these other girls I could have easily gotten with I didn't even want because my mind kept telling me to not give up on you. I know we only met not too long ago but I really feel something for you Nova and I can't ignore that." Nova's heart swelled up and she was so confused because how can you feel so deeply for someone you've known for so little.

Her mother had once told her that love worked in mysterious ways. That it didn't matter if you knew it was love or that you felt for someone minutes after meeting or years, it was the fact that somehow, you just knew it was. Nova looked at Niall and then around the room, then back at Niall. "You really covered my room with my favourite flowers," she laughed, her nose stuffy from crying. He pulled Nova in tighter and laughed into her hair. She didn't know what they were if they were even anything but she didn't care.

All that mattered was the fact that her room was covered in flowers and that Niall loved Nova as much as she loved him. Or so she thought.


(( this chapter was v cute i think. anyways, they're not dating but you'll find out the chiz between them soon ok. wow i want zayn malik n niall horan to fertile my children. and also comment bc three updates in a row !!!!! ))

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22, 2016 ⏰

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