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✧*。 04; NO WAYS &&OH YAYS 。*✧
nova and niall.


this was too wired. niall really didn't know what he was thinking when he had decided to be so persistent and make it his priority to score a date with Nova. I mean he didn't know anything about her but it was the fact that she was so stubborn that caught his attention. It was the fact that she immediately resisted everything that involved Niall. Niall was used to getting what he wanted and having things go his way so when Nova so quickly turned her cheek at him, it was like he wanted to take her out just to prove to her that he could change her mind.

Niall knew it was a bit odd because he had only ever run into Nova twice. Like they weren't even necessarily on a date but still it was kind of weird. I mean Niall could pretty much have any girl he wanted yet he had picked this random chick whom he had tackled to the ground. The boy sighed thinking maybe he didn't think this through enough. Nova acted like he was going to kill her. Currently she shoved her body so far in to the side of the taxi insuring herself 118% sure that she would not touch Niall. Niall debated if he should just have the car turn around and drop her off.

Nova just continued to distance herself as much as she could from Niall in the cab. The more Niall thought about her the more he kind of wanted to spend time with her. And not for the reasons you would think. He wanted to get to know her because she refused to get to know him. She kept complaining how Niall a stranger and all but who isn't at first. Everyone starts out as strangers. Take his bandmates for example, he had no clue who they was when he first saw them but they got to know each other and bam; now they're touring the world.

Niall just wanted Nova to realize this; that if she didn't put in the effort to get to know him that's all they ever be; strangers. "Where are you taking me," she asked in a harsh tone. The girl was acting like he had kidnapped her or something. "A little ice cream shop," Niall told her in a soft voice. He gave her a goofy smile and her shoulders loosed up a bit but she still refused to smile back. You could have cut the tension with a knife in the car. Now Niall didn't mean to sound full of himself but thousands of girls would die to be in her shoes right now.

She was being so stingy without having even given Niall a chance and Niall didn't think that was fair. I mean from the looks of it, it didn't look like anything would ever happen between the two, but it frustrated Niall that Nova had just jumped to that conclusion before anything. "Look I know you think I'm going to murder you or something but honestly I just want to have a good time with a really pretty girl so maybe if you just loosened up a bit I could do so," Niall spoke up trying to be as kind as possible.

"This is weird. I mean famous band members just don't ask random girls to go on dates with them out of the blue. You have thousands of girls to chose from but you picked me, someone you don't know anything about and who doesn't even care who you are" she sighed crossing her arms and refusing to make eye contact with the boy. He sighed upset that she wasn't seeing the point. She was so uptight, Niall wondered if maybe wanting to get to know her was such a good idea after all as the car stopped in front of a small parlor.

"Look. I'm trying here to get to know you but you make it kind of difficult. And I think the fact that you don't care is what I find sort of appealing. I mean it's refreshing to not have to worry about a gold digger or something. To just be around someone and feel like a normal person because they treat you that way. But all I'm trying to say is that if we're going to have any fun you've just got to trust me. You at least have to put in some effort to try and get to know me," Niall huffed.

When she didn't reply Niall took her hand in his and looked into her eyes. "Let's have a good time," he smiled softly. She pulled her hand away but reluctantly stepped out of the car behind me and followed as we went into the close to empty ice cream shop. "So tell me about you," Niall said after he had ordered cones for the two of them. "Not much to know about me. I like iced tea, old fashion movies, and keeping my period a secret from tall, famous, annoying Irish boys," she teased raising an eyebrow.

Niall laughed at her sarcasm and slightly blushed at the memory of their first encounter. It was definitely one he would not forget. "What about you," she asked. "Well I'm in a band, I like going on dates to ice cream parlors with pretty girls, I like golf, and despite what many people believe I'm actually a pretty normal lad," Niall smiled as Nova blushed slightly at his chipped in compliment. "See, now we aren't strangers anymore," he beamed. Nova let out a little giggle and pulled him along to the cash register where he paid.

Niall could see her the potential of her allowing herself to open up and Niall enjoyed this Nova much more then the one who kept looking at him like he was satan or something. Niall smiled at this as he took the cones and escorted Nova back outside. He took her across the street and had the two of them sit down on the park bench. The area was pretty dead and neither of the two said a word. Nova just licked her ice cream and Niall slowly did the same. But when the silence was too much for Niall he stirred up some trouble earning a squealed, "Stop," from Nova squealed as he wiped a smudge of mint chocolate chip ice cream on her nose.

Niall just laughed and admired the darkening sky. It was around sixish and the stars were already starting to twinkle in the pinkish navy sky outside. The air was cool but still warm enough Niall make sweat unfortunately. He prayed that he didn't have any pit stains or smell like b.o. Tearing his mind from the not so pretty thought, Niall broke the somewhat constant awkward silence yet again. "Vanilla is so boring," he complained referring to her ice cream choice.

She just scuffed and took a very sassy lick at her cone in return. Niall tapped my fingernails against the bench they were seated on and just listened to the bustling of the city. "I can't believe I've lived in Chicago all my life and I've never heard of this place. It's the best ice cream I've ever had," she sighed finally speaking. "Not many people have. It could be our place if you'd like that," Niall shrugged, the words leaving his mouth without him even knowing he was going to say that.

He half expected her to scuff and roll her eyes insisting that having a special place with was equivalent to sharing a room with a serial killer, but instead she turned to face me and a faint smile crept across her face. That cute almost smile Niall seemed he was growing accustomed to with every passing second. "I'd like that very much," she beamed. "You know- I bet you say that to all the girls don't you," she scoffed playfully. She was quite sure that Niall had a few swooning tricks up his sleeves to get the girls going. "Only the ones I'm trying to impress," he smirked.

"You know Mr.Horan; you aren't as bad as I thought. Now take me home," she demanded. Niall sighed because they had been out for about six minutes, but just got up and walked with her because he would like to end on a positive note rather than pissing the girl off. So they got a taxi and drove until she was dropped off about a block away from her apartment. At that point Niall turned to face Nova. "I had fun," he smiled as he leaned in to kiss her. Unfortunately though, he was cut short due to her stomping on his foot hardly and running away.


(( this is yikes im so sorry i was just having major writers block and wanted to update so i threw this together. this happened so fast and their time together literally lasted like .3 seconds but just go with it so i can get to the drama lmao. but yeah, BE WARNED: niall and nova we'll get involved with one another very quickly but i don't wanna hear shit about them hardly knowing one another because i don't want to have to have 72829294 chapters of them getting to know each other and then becoming friends i just want to get right to the action so deal with it ok. but don't forget to vote and comment as well loves !! ))

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