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    ー nova and niall.

         "you did what ?, " nova screeched as her best friend Mabel and herself sat in front of the Swissotel. It was so like her to do something totally crazy like this. I mean I guess it wasn't crazy crazy but still. "Nova it's like fate or something! I mean twice. You ran into him twice," she explained. The blonde haired girl just rolled her eyes because apparently seeing someone twice was now considered fate.

She knew it would be a bad idea to tell her friend about her run-in's with Niall. "Mabel he's a complete stranger," Nova cried trying to make it clear that he could be a psychopath for all they knew. Her best friend had clearly never gotten the talk about stranger danger from her parents. "So. He's famous! Lola it took me forever to find what hotel his band was staying in. Do you know how many girls would die to talk to him the way you did," she whined. "Plus, I read something like this in a fanfic once and-"

"Mabel you idiot! This isn't like one of your dumb fanfics ok. I have an actual life to live. I'm not gonna drop everything so I can hang out with some guy I know absolutely nothing about! He could be a rapist or murderer ok. I don't care that he's famous. A starter is a stranger. Plus I'm trying to keep up with school and everything," Nova sighed frustrated Mabel would even compare the situation to a fanfic and that she was eighteen and even reading fanfiction in the first place.

"Nova you're a shit liar. Everyone knows that after getting shot down by Harvard and Yale you officially were done with the idea of college. Please Nov, live a little. This is a really cool thing that could happen for you," she cried. Mabel was the type of best friend who was outgoing and had guys wrapped around her finger. Nova was not that friend. She was the friend that complained that the parties were too loud and wondered if Jesus would approve.

"I already told you. I know nothing about him, he could be an ax murderer," she shivered. The whole situation of waiting outside Niall's hotel was stupid and frankly enough, rather creepy. She wasn't going to fuck him for his money, end of story. The fact that he could be a possible rapist or killer however did not convince Mabel to give up on her hope of Nova getting it on with him. "Hazel knew nothing about Augustus and look how they turned out," she smiled.

"Augustus died."

"THEY WENT TO FREAKING AMSTERDAM AND HAD SEX AND THE BEST TIME OF THEIR LIVES DO YOU NOT WANT SOMETHING LIKE THAT YOU DUMB BITCH," she screamed. Nova was a bit taken aback by her friends sudden out burst but really it was just typical Mabel. When she didn't respond Mabel just huffed and muttered clearly annoyed with her. "Ugh. That's it I'm-",

She was cut short when both of the girls gazes landed on Niall who had just burst through the hotel doors. A few cameras flashed as he walked out but security blocked them off. Niall looked around momentarily before locking eyes with Nova. A smile lit across his face and he scurried over like a six year old. Nova slumped in her seat groaning. He tapped on the glass giddily as he waved. Mabel reached over and rolled the window down. "Hello Nova and friend," he beamed.

He wore a loose dark grey tee shirt with the sleeves rolled up and black skinny jeans. A Ray Bans on top of his head of quiffed blonde hair. "Ohmigod Nova he's super cute in person," Mabel gushed. Nova just rolled her eyes at her friend because Mabel literally thought everyone was 'super cute'. "Thanks. And Look, I think it's only polite to say that third times a charm. Something's telling me it's fate bringing us together," Niall joked.

"Would you maybe like to get coffee or something sometime. I mean it's often that I meet someone who doesn't dawn over my fame, but I can have an actual conversation with," he asked sort of out of the blue. I mean that escalated rather quickly. But Nova responded none the less. "No," she said before rolling her window up. Mabel groaned and immediately extended her arm across my lap rolling it back down. "She'd love too. She's free around eleven-ish, she told him.

"Cool. Could I maybe get your numb-" He was cut off by Nova rolling the window back up. "Got damn it Nova," Mabel sighed unbuckling and hoping out of the car, racing to Niall. She mumbled something to him as he pulled out his phone. If Mabel was doing what Nova though she was doing, Nova was going to slice her neck off. She watched as Mabel smiled before waving goodbye to Niall and getting back in the car. She turned to Nov and smiled."You my friend have a date with Niall Horan.


(( this is actual shit im so sorry. it's short and awkward and im just sorry. plus i know it's super unrealistic but i didnt know how else to write the filler so this will have to do. like i get that this wouldn't ever happen but just go with it because i don't want to write 82829292 chapters of them finally getting to know one another i just want to jump right into it so i can get straight to the drama as soon as possible. and please vote and comment. ))

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