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✧*。 09; THE TRUTH
      ABOUT LOVE 。*✧
    ー nova and niall.

         nova and dulcie sat on the couch, legs tangled together, blankets and tubs of Ben & Jerry's covering their legs as Hey Arnold played on the television. It was their favourite cartoon and a stress eating session was needed two weeks post phone call from Niall. Nova lowered the volume as it went on commercial and set her spoon in the tub of Strawberry Cheesecake ice cream. Dulcie had been on her phone most of the night but Nova didn't mind. She just didn't want to be alone.

"Do you want to watch Jimmy Kimmel," she asked. Nova shook her head because she knew full well that she didn't want to see the boys performance. Nova had not thought of Niall as much as she used to which was a start. It was official though. He had moved on from their friendship. He had gotten rid of her number and unfollowed her on Instagram; not that Nova minded. She was never on that trashy thing anyways. Suddenly a frown formed upon Dulcie's face and Nova asked her what's wrong.

"It- it's not important. Just some stupid gossip," she muttered. Nova sighed. Her sister was such a bad liar. "Dulc it's ok if it involves him. I can handle it. I'm over it," Nova reassured. Her sister huffed and turned her phone screen to Nova. In large black letters was an update from Hollywood Life.com; ONE DIRECTION STAR NIALL HORAN SURELY READY AND GETTING IT ! 22 year old boy bander Niall Horan is seen reportedly making out with fellow pop star Selena Gomez on the set of Jimmy Kimmel. The two both have gigs on the show so it's only natural that they cross paths, but is a new romance sparking between the two ? Tweet your opinions @hollywoodlife !

At these words Nova's heart sunk and she don't know why. "Whatever. I'm over it," she mumbled. Nova took another glance at the photo and her stomach tightened."You like him don't you; like really like like him," Dulcie asked in a quiet tone. Nova squeezed her lips together and nodded as tears formed in her eyes. Oh god she like liked him. She had tried so hard not to because you don't develop feelings for someone you've only known for a little while because that only happens in tacky fanfiction.

You're supposed to fall for with someone you've known for two year not someone you've known for two months. He was famous and Nova was just this uptight nobody, but here she was crying for no apparent reason over a picture of him, lying on the couch eating ice cream like a baby. As much as Nova tried to deny it, the feeling she got when she thought about Niall unmistakable. He made her palms sweat and her head hurt and made it feel as if someone was squeezing her heart in the palm of their hands. It hurt, oh god it hurt so bad; and that's how she knew the feelings were real.

Nova wanted him to lay with her on the sand and tell her that we could be the best but instead he was in California with his arms wrapped around another girl. This was a sign. This was a message from god saying that the world fucking sucked. So Nova just cried and got all moody and emotional because life was unfair and she wanted Niall Horan to love her and she wished she was pretty and was good at school while Dulcie just rubbed her back.

"Shhh. Don't cry Nova. He's stupid ok and not worth it. Plus, I bet there's something wrong about him; like he has chlamydia or his dick is small or something," she shrugged trying to comfort her big sis. "Hey, I'll tell you what. If it would help you, I'll get Stephan to take you on a date," she offered. Stephan was her way hot school friend. He was like a freakin abercrombie model. Nova would totally let him do her.

Dulcie had this weird rule though that no one she knew was allowed to go out with him so it was pretty rare that she was offering this for me. Only for the first time ever she didn't want Stephan. She wanted Niall. Girls always want what they can't have though. So Nova shook her head and continued to cry. That butterflies in your stomach feeling was not like in the black and white films she enjoyed so much. Love was like sugar bear and mama june; it's interesting and entertaining for a while but in the end it just ends up in a big divorce and a new relationship with a child molester. This made Nova cry harder because she didn't want to be mama june.

She wanted to be Audrey Hepburn and find a man to runaway with like in Roman Holiday. "I want him so bad Dulcie you don't understand. No, actually I don't want him. I don't want to want him at all but I do and it's driving me insane," Nova cried blowing her nose into a tissue. She was like Helga was with Arnold. She acted like she hated Niall but really she adored the boy. Nova watched the tv as the show continued to play, and looked as Helga kissed her Arnold locket.

Nova clicked the phone off and sighed. She had to let him go. He had clearly let her go already. These feelings she had for him would go away, it was just a phase. This was just a story she would tell her grandchildren and watch their faces light up in amazement at the fact that she had become friends with the band their parents loved but they saw the way kids nowadays see nsync. Nova shook my head and wiped a tear. Well, best of wishes to Niall and whomever he may love.


(( aww. they've let each other go. anyways, sorry this was short. n ps stephan is portrayed as Paul Wesly. but hey arnold is my favourite cartoon and if you haven't seen it then you're not a true 90s kid. helga is a character on the show that bullies arnold and pretends like she hates him when she's actually obsessively in love with him. ))

PPS: also, the audrey hepburn reference is from the movie 'roman holiday' which she stars in and is about a princess (her) who runs off with this man she meets one night after falling in love. the movie is on netflix and amazon prime and i recommend you watch it bc it is lovely. pls comment bc i love hearing what you thought about the update.

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