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     ー nova and niall.

         nova ceglar's usual mornings consisted of tea and american horror story; but on this glorious sunday she was greeted by bloody bed sheets and no tampons in the bathroom. This was the prime reason she had drived to Target in the poring rain in the first place. Nova honestly had no idea how some girls found the courage to put on layers of makeup each day because she could barely find the energy to put on a bra.

So as the tired blonde haired girl walked around in pajama pants, a tshirt and a naked face; heavy flow tampax pearl tampons in hand, She encountered a tall lanky figure. Instead of walking past her, the boy stopped and faced her. "Finding everything alright," he asked in a thick accent. Nova shoved the tampons behind her sheepishly. "Mhmm," she nodded holding the tampons behind my back.

"Well, today we're having an excellent deal on One Direction's new album 'Four' in the deluxe and just the basic cd so you can just hold on to these and- why are your hands behind your back," he asked observantly. Nova stuttered and choked on her words. She wasn't about to tell him what she was hiding because frankly it wasn't any of his business. And plus she was shy. "What," Nova retorted bluntly.

"I said-", Before he could finish Nova pushed him into a rack of books and took off sprinting towards the checkout center. There was no way in hell that loser was gonna know about the gift Mother Nature had touched Nova with this week. The blonde could feel all eyes on her as she continued to make a run for it. Just as she slowed down, thinking she was safe, a body collided with hers toppling over her on the ground.

"Shit," Nova murmured as her tampons slid across the aisle.The boys eyes made contact with it and he suddenly reddened in the face. His eyes squeezed shut momentarily before he looked at Nova. "Sorry. I thought you stole something. Next time you shouldn't be so secretive," he blushed standing up and dusting off his pants. "My bad-" Nova paused to read his name tag, "-Herbert; I don't usually inform strangers about my period."

"You have nothing to be ashamed about," he shrugged. "You're not the only one who gets it you know. Plenty of girls get their periods. It's not your fault blood decides to flow out of you vagina every month. It's completely normal. Just know you're not alone-" Nova cut his rambling off. "Could you get off me," she asked now annoyed. He looked down realizing he was still on top of the girl before picking himself up and dusting himself off.

"Sorry about that, he apologised rubbing the back of his neck. "Yeah ok," Nova muttered as she picked her tampons up and began to walk away. That wasn't how she had intended on her morning to go. That wasn't how she intended any day to go for that matter. Nova had been completely humiliated and now half of the customers who had witnessed the scene locked eyes on the poor girls tampons. How lovely, why didn't they just make her time of the month a public affair ?!

Nova mentally groaned as she paid for her item at a self checkout lane. Nova didn't want anyone else to have to look at her lady package. I mean it wasn't like it was some big secret that a girl could be on her period, but Nova was pretty shy and really didn't need strangers knowing that blood was currently flowing out of her vagina. As she stuffed the recite into her plastic bag, Nova heard a clatter and huffing behind me.

She whipped around to see the dreadful boy approaching her. Wonderful. Nova rolled her eyes and tried to continue walking. However, unexpectedly he caught up to her and placed his hand on her shoulder. Out of self defense and startlement, Nova trusted my elbow into his crotch. The boy doubled over in pain, moaning and clutching his junk, the stack of stuff he was holding clattering to the floor. "Oh my god I'm sorry," Nova panicked kneeling besides him on the floor.

Once he collected himself, he picked up the stuff he had dropped and hesitantly stood up. "I was coming over to apologize," he groaned. Nova stuttered 'I'm sorries' but he just dismissively waved her off. "Um it's ok. I'm sorry for tackling you. I dunno, that's all. You can be on your way now," he said. Nova nodded slowly before walking off sort of in shock. As she was almost to the doors she was stopped once again. "Wait," he called out. Nova huffed, and the paused.

"Here uh this is for you," he panted handing her a black and white cd. "Oh and uh take these too," he said shoving a ton of other albums into her arms. Before she could object, he mumbled a goodbye and then ran off. Nova stood stunned and then got the hell out of there. She hopped into her car and tossed twelve CDs into the passenger seat. That was the weirdest thing that had ever happened to her. I mean who was that guy and why were twelve copies of 'One Direction' CDs in her car ?


(( heyo. before i say anything YES for the sake and purpose of this story Nova does not know whom1d is. i mean she is familiar with them but wouldn't be able to recognize them or anything ok. just accept it for the sake of this story i don't wanna hear your shit. but in another note, this is complete shit i know. it is all over the place and just skips every .3 seconds so soz. it's only like that because it's the intro and i just wanted to quickly get their introductions over with so i promise the following chapters will not be like that. anyways, Gigi Hadid plays Nova, yay. ;; REWRITTEN ;; ))

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