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✧*。 08; THANKS FOR
        THE CALL 。*✧
     ー nova and niall.

         three weeks had gone by and had nova revived nothing from niall; not a phone call, not a facetime, not even a freaking text asking how she was doing. Absolutely nothing. Nova guessed she had seen it coming but it still hurt to know that he had already gotten over her, and so quickly too. I mean she had seen the occasional tweet that the boys killed every show and that Louis had put baby powder in Zayn's blow dryer but that was it.

Niall never said he was sad or missing anyone. He had only tweeted things like 'Wow that match was a great one' and 'Coughing again !!.' Nova sat alone by the window of the cafe downtown thinking about wether Niall had some slutty girl wrapped around him right now. The thing that upset her the most though was the fact that she wasn't over him yet. I mean she didn't even like him! He was the one who claimed to have feelings for her. He was nothing but a friend but yet here she was, wondering if he was a virgin or not, or how many girls he had screwed since she had last said goodbye to him.

What the fuck was happening to her? Why was Nova still so hung up on something she knew was too good to be true. I mean things like that don't just happen to random people. Nova took one last sip from her cup and headed out. She just needed to get her mind off things. Maybe she would start looking at colleges again. Ok she probably wouldn't but hey, she could tell herself that she would and maybe she would forget about the whole Niall thing. Nova knew she couldn't though. I guess she was still thinking about him because no one had ever you know, liked her before.

Nova had always been so uptight about love and feelings. She reject anyone who talked to her and always assumed the worst and Niall had been the first person to ever call her beautiful or do cute things for her. Nova was just glad she didn't let anything happen between the two of them. Although, a month and a half of friendship kind of made her wish she had. But that's just not the way it works. Nova knew that. She decided to walk to her flat because then she would have a little time to just think. As she pasted 'the bean' she saw a few dozen couples cadoodling and it made her sick. Life was so unfair.

Why couldn't Nova have something like that. Actually, maybe she didn't want something like that so badly. It was then that Nova was reminded why she kept her walls so high. Nova never let anyone in because love was just a trick. You waste so much time and feelings and emotions for this one person and then they turn around and stop loving you. They say that they were just confused before and were just figure things out and tell you that they've found someone else and leave you with nothing. Not your feelings, not your happiness, not your heart; they leave you with absolutely nothing.

Nova pushed all the negative thoughts out of her mind and just thought about puppies the rest of the way to her apartment. Once there she took off her shoes and flopped on the couch. Nova's phone began to ring and the contact read Niall's name. Nova's heart sped up and her palms began to get all sweaty. She took in a deep breath before collecting herself. "Hello," she answered nervously. "Hey Nova. Its um Niall. Sorry I haven't called at all; I've just been really busy and stuff and the boys told me I should call you so yeah," he rambled.

Great, the boys told him to call her. He probably wouldn't have done it they hadn't told him to. Nova felt something begin to chew away at my stomach just thinking of the fact that it was almost like a chore for him to call her up. "Oh it's fine," Nova said. There was an awkward silence as no one said anything. This was like one of those phone calls when you call your grandma. You only do it because your parents made you, as you'd much rather be doing something else, and there always awkward pauses because you don't know what to say.

"You know uh- I've actually busy at the moment so I've got to go but um, thanks for the call," Nova mumbled before he said goodbye and they both hung up. Geez that was awful. He was probably wiping sweat off his forehead and saying phew. Nova turned on the tv and thought that the real housewives would help distract her mind of Niall. It was kind of sad really. That fact that they had become such great friends and now were having grandma conversations.

Nova snuggled farther into her blanket and decided screw him. He could go off and be famous and fuck girls and love them up because Nova honestly didn't care anymore. I mean it wasn't any of her business. In the end Nova knew it had just been a fling friendship and she knew he would run off and forget about her. He was famous and adored by millions, what did she expect? A happy ending where they would stay best friends forever and he quits the band so he can do late night guitar sessions with me when Nova couldn't sleep?

God if only it were that simple. Yet still a little part of Nova hoped that wherever Niall was he was wishing he hadn't let Nova go quit yet. Only this was not the notebook and Niall was currently, and I quote, 'getting it on' with Selena Gomez at the club according to E! New's last tweet. Wow the first thing he decided to do to celebrate after getting off the phone with Nova was to go to a club. Lovely. Nova sighed and picked up her phone to ordered pizza because Niall's actions made her want to get fat and die.

So when the pizza man delivered a large pepperoni pizza with breadsticks she gave him a rather large tip. Nova stuffed my face with slice after slice and figured that Niall didn't like fat girls. But then she just shrugged because Niall wasn't her problem anymore. And after about an hour later after feeling bloated and tired, Nova went to bed. Nova looked up at the ceiling and watched the fan blow in circles. She had totally called it. Something bizarre and so unrealistic happens to her and it surprisingly turns out to be kind of nice and the. It's just over.

Niall's friendship had been nice while it lasted at least. Nova shouldn't be upset about losing him because the truth was he was never hers. I mean she didn't even have feelings for him in that way. Nova had never loved Niall and now she found out that he had never really loved her.


(( this kinda made me sad. so basically cal has moved on from her because they don't see each other and he has just chosen to forget about her. anyways this sucks so vote and comment pls. ))

affection.Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora