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✧*。 07; LATE NIGHT SESH 。*✧
nova and niall.

after dulcie's visit, nova had texted niall just to say hi. It had taken a lot of courage but after he had replied and asked for a lunch date she had felt a little fluttery. I mean they were just friends but it made Nova happy to know that Niall was really putting in an effort. The two of them had hung out quite a bit over the last two weeks wether it was at the local aquarium or over the phone. Currently Nova laid with her cell practically glued to her ear. "Go to bed Niall," Nova whispered as she lay in bed staring at the ceiling.

She and Niall had stayed up all night talking to one another on the phone; and even though she didn't want to hang up, Nova knew she probably should. "No Nova I want to stay up and talk with you," he whined. Nova was glad to have had finally accepted their friendship and no longer considered him a stranger. She wouldn't allow to herself to get too attached though because she knew in a few days he'd be leaving to travel around the world and would probably be encountering more girls. Nova couldn't get her hopes up, not that she really had any.

"Niall it's 2:27 in the morning you've got to get some sleep. Aren't you going to the studio tomorrow," she asked hoping he wouldnt have a legit excuse so they could keep talking. She loved the fact that he listened to what she had to say; no one else really did so Nova was glad she had Niall to rely on for that. "No you dingus, I told you tomorrow is when Harry and Zayn are in the studio. I'm going on Wednesday with Liam. Geez you don't pay attention to me," he cried. Nova couldn't help but laugh because he was so cute when he got all pouty. "Why don't you go to sleep."

"Because I can't. It's weird being alone. But you should really get some rest Ni. You don't want your pretty little face to get wrinkles now do you," she teased him. Nov could already tell he was smiling at the fact that she had just called his face pretty. Nova bet he was the type of guy who looked in the mirror and told himself how sexy he was. She giggled a little at this thought and waited for Niall to finally sigh and say goodnight as well but instead his voice said, "I'm coming over," he declared before yelling a goodbye and hanging up giving Nova no time to object.

Nova huffed and set her phone on the nightstand. She looked out the large window that was behind her bed and admired all the rushing cars. Within fifteen minutes Niall had grabbed the spare keys from under Nova's welcome mat and let himself in. "Hi cutie," he smiled cheekily, walking in with a guitar in hand. Nova just rolled her eyes playfully because she could not even begin to imagine what he had planned.

"I can't believe you just showed up. And that you can play guitar," she laughed as he took a seat at the foot of her bed giving her ankle a kiss ( even though the sheets covered her ). He propped his guitar up on his leg and looked at Nov. "I'm a very talented man my friend," he said. Nova sat up straight and rested her chin in the palm of her hands and waited for him to do something. "You said you couldn't sleep so I decided to help you."He began playing the tune to a barley recognizable song and softly sang to Nova.

"But I want it, It's a crime; that she's not around most of the time. The way she shows me I'm hers and she is mine. Open hand or closed fist would be fine. Blood is rare and sweet as cherry wine. Her fight and fury is fiery, oh but she loves, like sleep to the freezing," he began strumming.

Niall continued on with a few more verses and when he finished up Nova looked into his eyes and something inside her just softened; she should probably get that checked out. Nov moved her hand on top of his and just snuggled up onto his side. He wrapped an arm around her and they just laid there quietly. "That was really good Niall. You should serenade me more often," she yawned. "Sing me another song," Nova demanded.

He took a moment to think of another song but his eyes soon lit up and she assumed he thought of a good one. He began to strum and sang loudly. "Let's gather round' the campfire and sing our campfire song; our c-a-m-" Nova burst out laughing as he attempted to sing the rest of the song in a Spongebob voice. She playfully hit his chest and he stopped. "What, don't you like my singing," he teased pretending to be hurt. "Sing something else," she cried slamming her hands down on the sheets.

"Sorry bub but a little Hozier's all I got. But you look exhausted little one. I should probably go. You get some rest." His tone was soft and so were his eyes, his touch even softer. He stroked Nova's forehead not wanting to leave he quite yet but knowing it'd be wrong of his to keep her up. "Kay. Night Niall," Nova smiled giving a small wave as he got up to leave. When he reached the door she stopped him and called out his name. He immediately ran back to Nova and she pulled the rim of his shirt down before giving him a quick kiss on the cheek.



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