Flibip the Grunt.

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Warechu spent the night inside a cave in the deep zone of the forest. Even though he could not obtain much rest, that cold and foggy morning his curiosity provided him enough energy to go back and meet that alien again.
What was he going to tell him? He had the strange idea of attempting to call Compa with his help. They could be enemies, but their technology appeared more than capable of doing so.

Having strawberries for breakfast he found on his path, he noticed the alien base was abandoned. Taking a better peek, he found the grunt taking a nap next to those odd purple machines.

"Flibip... Wake up... It's me, Warechu."

"Hmmm... Lunchtime already?" He rubbed his eyes. "Oh, Warechu. It's you!"

"Are you alone, chu?"

"Yes. Commander Duza and everyone else left. They told me to look out for the base."

"I needed to ask you a favor, chu. Could I contact someone from here?"

"I don't know... If Commander Duza realizes I'm gonna be in serious trouble."

"It's gonna be quick, chu. I can answer any questions you want about humans."

Flibip meditated it for a second, and then made up his mind.

"...Alright. I'll help you. But you will answer my questions, promise?"

"I promise, chu."

What if he was forced to give critical data to the aliens? The destruction of humans didn't bother him too much. But what concerned him was that if Compa knew what he did she'd never forgive him. He had to be cautious with his words and as vague as he could.

The alien interface connected, and Warechu dictated to Flibip Compa's number. She actually never gave it to him. He had to get it by hiring a particular hacker in a pink suit he had already worked with before.

"Hello, it's Compa." The streaks in the interface moved.

Her voice was like the finest piece of a recognized pianist. He stood there paralyzed, incapable of speaking back to his crush.

"Hello, is someone there?"

"C-Compa! It's me Warechu! I've got news to tell you!"

"Mr. Mouse? How did you get my number?"

"Doesn't matter, please open the video camera! You need to see something, chu!"

"...Wait a moment."

Compa was that morning with IF and Neptune at the dining room of the bassilicom. They were having waffles for breakfast. Receiving that strange call from Warechu disconcerted her. What could it be? Was he in trouble again? Why did he want a video call?

"Iffy... It's Mr. Mouse. He wants to see me through the camera."

"That rat? How did he get your number?"

"Like I know... It's kind of suspicious."

"Yeah. You better not."

"Answer him," Neptune said. "What are you losing in any way? Besides, it's just a call, we can always find him and bring him to justice if he does something funny."

"You're right Nep Nep. It'd do no harm..."

"Oh, c'mon" IF interrupted. "You aren't thinking of doing so-"

The hologram broadened from Compa's smartphone. On the other side, the mouse was with the thing the girls expected the least: a Covenant grunt.

"My precious Compa! Hello!" His grey fur on his cheeks turned rosy. His eyes twinkled.

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