The Savages Shall Pay.

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"Commander Duza, I am receiving multiple lectures from those imps, as well as the females. I'm also reading the signals of various brute teams. Gargarus must be going all out here." The elite minor Ziro 'Kudum announced. 

He piloted the phantom dropship that transported the most avid team of elites to the human nation infested with the unholy plague; Commander Duza 'Tatum. Ziro himself, two ultras of names Divu and Uva, as well as the Zealot Tada 'Relcam, one of the very few elites present in the dimension that outranked Commander Duza 'Tatum. His golden armor was astonishing to look at, and it could resist at least 4 times more damage than Ziro's minor and blue bold armor. But his skills and experience as a warrior made it look like just a fancy toy.

"Nothing to worry about," Duza firmly said. He gripped harder his needle rifle, the one that had sent one of those females back to whatever oblivion she originated from. "Gargarus thinks he has this under control, but he is not coming out alive from this hell."

"The parasite will maul him like the savage animal he is." The Zealot Tada said. "His brutes are undisciplined. They'll fall to their own barbarity."

"No, Tada," Duza said. "We will make sure that he dies to a shangheili sword. He'll see us in the eyes, and then he'll know that it was a mistake to think he could betray our honor."

The ultras, Divu and Uva growled and raised their fists; They weren't afraid to show their pride like true shangheili warriors. The brutes were traitors, and as such, they had to pay. They'd pay for all of the shangheili blood they had already spilled.

But the zealot just left a soft hum. He knew that they possibly would not have that option, and even if they did, it could end up costing them their lives. Something that no elite in there was afraid of, but there was the chance that they'd waste their lives by losing against him. 

Gargarus was no regular brute, neither physically, and much less mentally. As if he carrying a gravity hammer was not enough —a weapon capable of reducing almost every living being too pure— and wore high-grade shields and armor, probably even more sophisticated than the ones on Tada's armor, the brute chieftain was also highly methodical and cunning. He would not jump blindly in a rage to try to smash his enemies with his fists so he could please his savage instincts.

His brains were his stronger weapon. He had managed to do what Duza could not; to capture not only one of those imps; but two, and to hold them alive to interrogate them.

"What's our landing zone, Commander?" Ziro asked. "I have multiple possibilities near the females, the imps, or further, between some groups of those brutes."

"Leave us near the brutes, but not too near," Duza responded. He then raised his voice, just to make sure everyone was listening to him. "Our priority here is to capture those shares before the humans or the brutes. If we can slaughter them, good, but they aren't our priority. If we can't do that, then the parasite will take care of them."


"Don't keep them out of sight!" Taylor yelled. He sprayed his Assault riffle all over the walls and ceiling, trying to get the infection forms down before you suffered the same destiny as those unlucky soldiers.

You shot your DMR against the incoming combat forms. You wished you had brought an automatic weapon in a moment like that.

"GwraaaaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAGHH!" The monsters screeched in agony, and dazzles of light came from their side.

"Get down, (Y/n)!" Taylor yelled. He let himself fall to a long crater making a trench before you, and you did the same. They shot their weapons.

"Godfuckingdammit," Taylor cursed. "The only thing we needed was goddamn zombies using weapons!"

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