Drop from Orbit.

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"Everyone, ETA for Solemn Penance in 20 minutes, get your stuff ready and get into your pods, Now!" The CO ordered.

Soon the deck of the UNSC Say My Name ship was full of noise and soldiers coming from here to there.
Once inside your pod the Squad Gunnery Sargent provided your equipment and put his hand on your shoulder.

"Get ready for this son, it's gonna be crowded down in there. Feet first into hell." He locked the pod's hatch.

Inside you could only see the tiny lights that come from the pod's interior along the claustrophobic and heated atmosphere. You never liked these things. No ODST liked them. If the landing systems malfunctioned (a common fear between all ODSTs) the pod could literally bury you right wherever it crashed, becoming your own coffin. There was also the risk of landing into water masses or getting gunned down by AA weaponry. Not to mention that by falling from the sky you were basically notifying the enemy of your next position. Estimated numbers indicated that at least 28% of ODSTs never made it to the ground.

Then you were dropped from low orbit along with other teams of ODSTs. Earth's atmosphere and outer space conveyed a vast and stunning panorama. The mission was a high-priority one: Land into the Solemn Penance Covenant ship, reunite with your squad and make your way to the Prophet of Regret (One of the Covenant leaders) and capture or execute him, and then hijack their ship.

 The mission was a high-priority one: Land into the Solemn Penance Covenant ship, reunite with your squad and make your way to the Prophet of Regret (One of the Covenant leaders) and capture or execute him, and then hijack their ship

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"Alright son," the Sargent opened his Communication channel as you penetrated Earth's atmosphere. "Once inside the ship stay closer. Don't want to see you get impaled with an energy sword by some high-rank elite-motherfucker. Expect heavy resistance. We're going after one of their main leaders after all."

"How strange" The Sarge added "Sgt. Edward Buck and Alpha-Nine team are getting out of track."

"Dangit sarge," One of your squadmates joined the com. channel. "What's our deal with this? Can't they just send the Spartans and not we, simple humans to this suicide?"

"If we were simple humans they would have not sent us, corporal. Now stop complaining and get ready to-"

But the ship was about to make a slipjump. A giant white and purple portal opened before the 2km longship and it crossed. A massive pulse emanated from it, just like one of those super nuclear bombs.

 A massive pulse emanated from it, just like one of those super nuclear bombs

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"EMP!" The sarge yelled. "Activating emergency systems. Damnit. No response. Help!" Then his com. the channel was nothing but static.

"Godfuckindamnit," You thought. This was it. The EMP discharge fried up all pod systems. you would hit the ground with a force of about 10,584,000 Newtons. There's no way to survive that. Your body would get so crushed and charred that nobody would ever be able of recognizing that can full of blood, meat, and bones.

But then, even though you could barely see, some kind of remnant portal was still there. Your pod got sucked into it. It was so fast and so full of light. You collapsed. That's all you could remember.

A Safe World: Neptunia x ODST! Male ReaderOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant