Document: <Issued Subject>

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Subject: Private First Class (Y/n) (L/n) (Service Number: 21337-69420-YN), 65th Shock Troops Division. UNSC Marine Corps.

Biological and personal data:

First Name: (Y/n)
Last Name: (L/n)
Birthdate: (B/d)
Gender: Male
Height: (Y/h)
Weight: (Y/w)
Hair color: (H/c)
Eye color: (E/c)
Blood type: (B/t)

<Issued Subject>'s arsenal:

ODST Battle Dress Uniform Set. (BDU).

M7S caseless submachine gun

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M7S caseless submachine gun.

M7S caseless submachine gun

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M6C/SOCOM pistol.

M9 High-Explosive Dual-Purpose Grenade (M9 HE-DP)

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M9 High-Explosive Dual-Purpose Grenade (M9 HE-DP)

M9 High-Explosive Dual-Purpose Grenade (M9 HE-DP)

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Additional Notes:

<Subject issued: PFC (L/n) (Y/n)> possesses a lengthy record throughout the war. Having survived and fought numerous battles, the most noteworthy examples being the fall of Reach and the Halo ring [Citation Needed], the private is one of the most valuable assets that comprise this operation.

Intel reports <Issued Subject> has talked about himself coming from another world before enlisting in the Marine Corps and later the ODST ranks.

<Issued Subject> speaks about a world being set back in the past; where this "dimension" (that's what he calls it) is nothing than a mere entertainment medium consisting of primarily books and games. He also alleges that this makes him more than 500 years old.

<Issued Subject> has been evaluated considerable times by the Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI) psychologists, and has been denominated, currently, as stable; but if his conversations keep showing up he shall be discharged from operational services and shall be issued to his corresponding department of medical and psychological services.

Nevertheless, <Issued Subject> is of the limited many that can get this operation performed, and despite his psychological summary, his capacities as a combatant are invaluable. If it were not by ONI and UNSC protocols of ranks [See the reference code] he would have ascended his rank a long time ago.

Redacted by: [CLASSIFIED: access only for ONI section three designated personal.]

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