Chapter Thirty-Five: When Do You Ever Shut Up

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Dark leaned his head against the basement wall, slamming his fist down on the bricks and effectively cracking it, small particles dropping to the ground. Stacy and her kids jumped in unison but stayed quiet, terrified for their life.

All he could think about was what he had lost to Anti. Everything he had sacrificed just to do what he'd suggested. In the end, everything he had was lost. Eventually, karma would knock at his door too, but not before he got his revenge.

"You know," Dark turned to face the three with malice in his piercing blue eyes as if he could hear their thoughts. As if he knew how much they hated him. "I could kill you all right now. But something inside of me tells me to wait. You should be thankful for that little voice, shouldn't you? After all, I haven't hurt you either. Only small bruises on that pathetic mother of yours." He said, his attention now on the children in Stacy's protective grasp. He slowly made his way forward, squatting to their level.

Stacy's eyes narrowed, her breathing growing harder by the second as she worked up the nerve to say something, anything. "That little voice is my husband, you vile man!" She said, hoping Chase would react to her as she sat up, fear in her eyes, and it only worsened with her new-found courage. "I bet it drives you crazy. Knowing he's in there, and you don't have full control. If you did--"

Dark quickly reached out, placing one finger to her mouth in an attempt to quiet her. His eyebrows were raised, the corners of his lips twitching upward. "If I did, the plan would still be as it is. Just because your leftovers are in here with me doesn't mean my options are... Limited. Do you understand me?"

Startled, Stacy pulled her head away from him, still feeling his finger on her lips where he had it, her skin tingling despite knowing that this man wasn't her husband. He even had Chase's face, and it was difficult for her to see him the way he presented himself now. Evil, demented, and judgemental. While they were married, they had their falling outs, but they always resolved them except when he kept things from her. That made her resent him after a while.

"Don't you fucking touch me."

"Not in front of the kids, Dear. You know I don't want them to hear that." Dark joked, his voice laced with sarcasm. "After all, they might turn out just like us. Waste of space, alcoholic, a complete failure... Take your pick. Maybe... A cheater? Have you ever thought about that?"

"I never cheated on you!"

Dark seemed to lose his influence, a hopeless look on his face as Chase took control, his voice shaking. "No, but you sure didn't waste any time finding someone new, did you? I've seen your profiles on dating apps, Stace! Do you have any idea how much that hurts me? What about the kids, huh? Are they going to call the next man that walks into your life 'Daddy'?"

Stacy gaped at the emotion on her ex-husband's face, taking a moment to connect the dots. "Chase? Oh, my God... I'm so, so sorry. I don't--"

Chase's jaw set, his eyes glistening with the unspoken pain that he'd kept hidden for so many years, keeping his focus solely on her. "Answer the question, Stace. Please. Have you moved on from me? Did our relationship mean that little to you?"

"No! Of course not! You remember my sister, don't you? I told her I wasn't ready, and she made an account for me... I had no idea you were going to see those!" Stacy said, attempting to hug him, rattling the chains her wrists were still set it.

The dad recoiled and dropped onto his rear, his hands holding himself up. "I'm sorry... I can't."


Chase's attention was drawn back to his children, almost startled by their presence. It was as if he hadn't known they were there, his eyes wide. "Alicia--" Just as he was about to smother her in hugs, his head snapped to the side, bones popping as he stood. His body was in an unnatural angle, arms raised, fingers curled into their palms.

It would all be confusing as to what was happening if his eyes weren't glowing a blood-red. Dark had taken back his control, growling at the now cowering family of three. "You think you can take my control from me with a few simple gestures of kindness? Don't you think he knows that you'd be happier without him? All those family albums that he kept. And for what? You broken people? You should be nothing to him, as he is to you. But he holds up hope, doesn't he? Poor man."

"He holds hope because he knows that we need him!" Trey shouted, glaring at Dark, not a single tremor in his speech. "You've taken our dad from us! You should be ashamed. You're nothing!"

Stacy covered his mouth with a hand, silencing him quite a few times, worried that Dark would take his frustrations out on the boy, scolding him under her breath.

"You've got a mouth on you, don't you? Just like your dad. It seems both of you don't know when to shut up." Dark said, raising his hand to strike him.

Anti let out a feral growl, having stayed quiet this entire time, watching. His eyes were glowing green, fangs exposed, and sharp enough to tear someone's throat out. It was as if he were warning Dark; his hands clenched into fists despite not being able to move.

Dark chuckled, walking over to the pale and clammy demon, grabbing his chin and forcing Anti to look at him. "Oh, your time will come. I promise you that. Don't forget about our little deal. I still have to blow your brother's brains out. Plans do change, though. Maybe I'll lure your other brothers here—one by one, killing them in different ways. All while you watch. I know you're insane, but can you handle that much pain? Emotional pain."

Anti's glare seemed to answer Dark's question, his narrowed eyes appearing to challenge the body stealer. If looks could kill, he would already be dead. The problem was, how would he get out of the mess he willingly put himself into all those years ago?

When he ruined Dark's life.

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