Chapter Five: Painkiller

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Chase splashed water into his face, gripping the sides of the sink like his life depended on it, his eyes red and puffy. He didn't want to be weak, but all he could think about was relief. Relief from the pain he'd felt for so long. His dark blue, almost gray eyes followed the mirror's edge, and he found himself hesitating.

Chase couldn't look at himself, and he knew of one way it wouldn't matter to him. The agony would disappear, and he'd feel nothing but a sea of calm. Before he could process the damage it would do to him, he reached up, pulling the mirror open and entering the cabinet space, grabbing the only pill bottle he had, strategically hidden behind the cologne Sean had only used once.

The white, lopsided label on the prescription bottle read:






No refills. Dr. Schneeplestein required.

Date Filled: 4-11-2018

Chase's free hand subconsciously felt around his neck, his first two fingers gently tracing over the burn marks. This particular drug wasn't for the burns, but something else. He needed more, even after two years, he'd still been taking them. He never used all of them, and he never told his brother.

If Henrik found out, he'd probably have Chase committed. But he still felt pain. Even if it was emotional, he still needed them. Chase gripped the bottle harshly, tears brimming his eyes as he put the container into his pocket, leaving the bathroom and grabbing his keys. He had to be back before Sean came home.


Chase paced around the waiting room, moving in long, harsh strides, almost shaking with nervous energy. He could smell the ammonia rolling off some of the patients there with him, blending with the sterile scent of the hospital. It was enough to make his nose hairs burn, and the stark white walls and fluorescent lights weren't helping the migraine he had from drinking on the way over either.

He was sure some of them could smell the alcoholic odor dripping off of him, and if they could, his brother would too. Chase made his way over to the hand sanitizer sitting on a pedestal next to the counter, pumping a few squirts into his palm and rubbing both hands together.

Just to be sure, he wiped the rest onto his shirt and jeans. He'd never smelled so clean in his entire divorced life. His cheeks heated, and he rubbed the back of his neck, looking around the room to see if anyone had noticed. A few people started at him with disgusted or confused looks, but he could handle it.

"Mr. Brody?"

Chase turned his attention to the woman standing near the open the door to the back rooms. Her brown hair was in a neat bun, and she held a clipboard, checking over the name one more time to see if she'd gotten it right before locking eyes with him. "Mr. Brody?" She repeated.

It took him a few moments to snap out of his daydream, and he walked over, giving her a toothy grin. "Hello there. I haven't been here for a long time; I was hoping I could see my brother..?"

"Right this way."

Before she turned to walk down the hallway, Chase following behind her, he had gotten a glimpse of her nametag. "Rebecca Brown." He said aloud, startled by his own voice.

Either she didn't hear him, or she wasn't bothered by this, leading him straight to one of the backrooms, opening the door for him, and walking inside after sitting down in the swivel chair beside the exam table.

Chase sat down, getting himself comfortable before looking at her expectantly.

"What brings you here today, Brody?"

"Refill." He said.

"And what's the medication for?"

"Pain. Got into a car wreck recently.."

"Oh?" She eyed him up and down, doubt in her stare, but she moved on quickly. "Has the pain gotten worse?"

Chase stayed quiet, unsure of how to answer, his gaze moving down to the floor, feeling pinpricks around his neck and back, the heat moving back to his cheeks again.

"I see. Do you smoke? Alcohol? Recreational drugs?"

"No. Sober. No."

Rebecca paused, typing away at the computer, her eyes off him, and focused on the screen. "Do you take any other medications or supplements other than what you need to be refilled?"

"No, Ma'am."

"Wait here." She said, leaving the room.

Chase's shoulders relaxed, and he let out a relieved sigh. Luckily, she didn't grill him too hard on the slight scent of alcohol on his breath and clothes.

He only had to wait a few minutes, hearing the door squeak on its hinges as his brother entered the room.

When his eyes met Chase's he frowned, shutting the door behind him and sitting down in his swivel chair. "Chase. It's been a long time, hasn't it?"

"It has."

Henrik stared at him for a moment, the tension seeming to grow with each passing moment of silence. "Short and sweet, huh? Rebecca told me vhat you came here for. You know you're on vatch."

Chase's hands gripped the red leather table he sat tensely on, his eyes narrowing. "I know that, Henrik. It's one more refill. It's not going to kill you to give it to me, bro. Please."

"You know I can't do zhat. I could lose my job if zhey knew I vas supplying..." He trailed off, lowering his voice. "Supplying an unmodified. Especially because it's been two years since your little accident."

"Look, I need it, okay? Just give me a fucking refill."

"Don't make me call someone in here to remove you. I don't vant it to come to zhat."

Chase hopped off the exam table, walking over to Henrik and grabbing him by the collar of his shirt. "You'll give me that prescription, Henrik. Fucking give it to me now!"

Instead of looking worried, Henrik had a look of concern and sadness on his face. "I'm sorry, brother. I warned you." He pulled out a syringe, sticking it into Chase's neck before he could move away, injecting the sedative into him. "Don't fight it, please. It's for... Your own good."

Chase jerked the needle out of himself, stumbling back and leaning heavily on the exam table, his eyelids unwillingly drooping. "You mean... The good of your job..." He slurred, unable to keep himself up anymore, letting the darkness consume him.

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