Eislyn's Rebellion

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Eislyn P.O.V.

With fury, I try to fight Dagger away, but he's stronger than me. He sits me on the front of the motorcycle in order to make sure I don't fall off and he can still steer. I scream the whole way back to the bar, and once I enter I hit Dagger's face multiple times as he carries me up to his bedroom. 

No one else is around, so no one sees what's going on. Fucking hell. 

"You mother fucking asshole! I'm gonna kill you! I hate you!"

Dagger's face drops, but his hold on me doesn't loosen. He places me into the bedroom, not uttering a single word. He unlocks one side of the handcuffs, but it's not enough for to break free. With one quick movement, Dagger has me handcuffed against one of the metal desk legs in his room. In any other (sexual) circumstance with Dagger, I might be into something like that, but shit. Right now is not a good time for this bull.

"Dagger...please. Just tell me what's going on."

"He wants you, and he can't have you."

"Locking me up isn't going to solve the problem."

"You ask too many questions, and you'll know too much. I love you, Eislyn. I love you so much."

"Then unlock me. We can solve this together."

"I'm not putting you in harms way. There are four guards outside the door, and if you try to jump out the window, there are guards outside."

"I'm in handcuffs, I don't think that'll happen."

Dagger presses a kiss to my forehead, apologizing for his tactic. In a flash, the door is locked, and I'm officially trapped. I try to twist my small hand out of the handcuffs, but I can't get my fingers through. Fuck, fuck, fuck. 

None of my self-defense lessons that Dagger so happened to teach me come to mind when I'm trying to get out. What if this was his plan all along? To trap me in his room forever. What if it was all a lie? I take deep breaths, needing to focus on getting free, then my relationship. 

"I'm talking out loud because that's the only way I'm going to be able to think. Okay, okay. Everything's great."

I groan, not even being able convince my own self.

"Small things that can fit in a lock. Pencil, scissors, paper clip, all of which I have no access to. Small things that I have used before. Bobby pin. I can pick a lock with a bobby pin."

I grin at my train of thought, actually thanking my mother for being a grade A bitch. Without her, I would never known how to escape from handcuffs. With my free hand, I search my hair for the bobby pin, holding a few strands of hair in place. I smile when I feel it in my hand, and I yank, pulling out a few hairs accidently. 

I straddle the desk leg in order for my hands to be close enough. I put the bobby pin at a 90º angle, and eventually getting the look just right, I place it into the double lock handcuffs. It takes twenty minutes of concentration, but I somehow end up getting out of them. My wrist is red from the scratching of the handcuffs, and I rub it to feel is becoming sore. Fuck, that hurts.

Okay, so now there are guards outside. I bet Dagger has another gun. If he had one that I didn't know about, he probably has another weapon I don't know about. Because I don't know where to start, I go through his underwear drawer to find a pocket knife. Well, that's new. 

Using the knife, I pry open Dagger's locked drawer next to his bed to find another gun. Figures. 

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