Chapter 16 (Edited)

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I leaned against a tree, waiting for my mother to arrive like I had asked her to. My whole body was relaxed on the outside, but on the inside I was tense and wanting to cry. My face was blank without any emotion, while my green eyes flickered towards the place where I knew Rufus was at, watching me and making sure that I would be safe and did the deed. I knew that he wouldn't step in, even if something bad would happen. It was part of our plan after all.

However, it was time for me to kill her, even though I had no reason to do it except for the fact that Judah hates my father's guts. Rufus and I had tried to come up with a plan to make sure that she would be alive and have her play dead, but we couldn't come up with one.

My throat clenched, and I had to blink quickly, wanting to make sure that I didn't have any tears in my eyes. I knew that if I did, then someone would probably know that I was playing a game with them, and I wasn't really wanting to kill my mother. She did mean the world to me, and I didn't know how I could live without her.

"Ember?" a female voice asked, breaking me from my thoughts. Concern filled the female's voice, as if she was wondering what was wrong with me. "Are you alright, Sweetie?"

I looked up to see a female standing a few feet in front of me. Her gray eyes, so much like my own, were filled with concern and love. Her brown hair was pulled back into a tight bun, leaving her face open. She wore jeans and a shirt that showed her muscles, letting everyone know that she could take care of herself as well as some else. A smile was on her full lips, while she looked me up and down, pride filling her eyes.

I couldn't help but growl, trying to find a way to get angry at her. I wanted it to look like that I was actually enjoying what they, well Judah, wanted me to do.

She blinked in surprise when the growl escaped me. She didn't know why I was growling at her "What is wrong?"

"You," I growled out with a snarl. I narrowed my eyes, while I started to stalk towards her. I had to keep my other emotions in check, except for the anger that I was feeling. "You are my problem." I gritted my teeth and growled out again, my whole body tense.

Mom looked at me, as if trying to see what I was supposed to do. There was a frown on her face, while she looked at me, reading my body language.

Her whole body was tense before her eyes went wide, as if she knew that I was going to have to kill her to save our pack and my father. "Do it," she said softly, making sure that no one could hear her.

I didn't say anything else while I lunged at her, sharpening my hand until it looked like a claw. Tears pricked my eyes while I swiped my clawed hand across her throat, knowing that she wouldn't fight back.

Everything seemed to slow down while my mother fell to the ground, her throat torn to shreds. With a soft thud, she fell onto the ground, her eyes holding that clear look in them because she had died instantly.

My breathing was labored as I stared at what I had done. A couple of tears streamed down my face, but it wasn't enough to be noticed. I couldn't look at my hands, because I knew that her blood was on them, marking me of what I had done.

A clapping sound broke through the silence of the air, making me flinch and look up startled. I couldn't help but be surprised to see that Judah, my siblings, my father, and a couple of my father's Warriors were standing there, and it was no doubt that they had seen what I had done. "Well, good job to you, Miss Contre," he said, a sadistic smile on his face while he bowed mockingly. "And, all this time, I thought that you were the good kid." He turned to look at my father, making sure the smile wasn't on his face but a look of concern. "According to law, Alpha, it is your duty to punish us if we are a threat to society." He smirked and looked back at me, probably glad that I was done. "I am sure that she is a threat. Don't you think?"

I growled and watched them while my eyes turning a darker gray as I was about to shift. I was losing control of my wolf and my sanity. I had done something that I didn't want to do, because I wanted Judah dead. I knew that I was almost at my limit, and if Judah pushed me too far, then I knew that I was going to snap.

"I am not sure what you are talking about," my father replied, watching me while I was watching Judah. His face was an unreadable mask, but I knew that he was upset on what had happened to me and to my mother.

Judah pointed an accusing finger at me. "She killed her mother without any reason. She is trying to take over your position by killing your mate, knowing that it would effect you greatly. She is a tyrant, and she-"

I couldn't take it anymore. I was done with his accusations, and his behavior of putting blame on others, even though it was his fault. So, with a loud, challenging roar, I lunged at him, shifting into wolf form. A snarl was on my face, and I was ready for blood. His blood to be exact.

Two powerful Warriors lunged at me and got a hold of me, before I could reach him. They held onto me, not being careful and probably leaving a bruise.

"See!" Judah exclaimed, pointing an accusing finger on me. "She is a terror and a threat! Kill her! Kill her!"

"Put her into the dungeons for further review," my father commanded, loudly. He sent me an apologetic look, making sure that no one saw it. "She will have to be executed by the order of law."

One of the Warriors placed something into my system, making me shift back into human. The person cursed loudly, since I had kicked him in the shin after he had done it.

A scream left my mouth while I started to struggle and lose my sanity. While I was dragged away from the body of my mother, darkness started to fill my vision, and I couldn't help but welcome the sudden darkness as my world turned black.

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