Chapter 7 (Edited)

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I walked into my office and sighed, looking around the bare room. There was only a desk, two seats, partial empty bookshelf, and a refrigerator in the room. "This is going to be a loooong month isn't it?" I mumbled to myself. I sat down in my seat and sighed, running a hand through my hair. Before I forgot, I turned the earpiece on, before I leaned my head onto my desk. I sighed again and closed my eyes.

'This is Head Alpha. Do you copy?' a voice asked over the ear-piece, startling me out of my about to fall asleep. There was a chuckle on the other end as I accidentally let a bad word slip out of my mouth. 'I'll take that as a yes,' the voice said again, making me think that it was my father.

"Very funny, Dad," I muttered, pressing the talk button. I placed my hand down on my desk and studied my fingers, waiting for Judah to arrive. I didn't get anything else except for a chuckle from my father, so I guess he was just going to listen to what was going to go on with the pack from the stopwatch. I turned the setting onto record, so that he would actually have some information.

I have to ask him where he'll receive the information, I thought to myself as I closed my eyes a little. I looked up when there was a knock on the door and the door opened, showing the face of my Beta. "What is it Talu?" I asked, gesturing for him to come in and to close the door.

Talu obliged and closed the door before he sat down in the seat in front of me. "What's going on?" he asked, his dialect more pronounced. "Really?"

I closed my eyes and sighed, hating that I couldn't tell him. I rubbed my head as another one of those dang headaches popped out of no where. "That's something that I can't discuss," I said, my voice showing the tiredness that I tried to keep hidden. "I don't need to be pushed on this issue, Talu."

"But I-"

"No!" I barked, sharply. I shook my head in regret  when I saw that he had flinched from my bark. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to yell. I-I just can't have anyone helping me out with this issue."

Talu nodded his head. "I understand, Alpha," he said. He looked up at me, his eyes showing the hurt that he had kept out of his voice and face.

I looked down and bit my lip, feeling a bit of regret in the pit of my stomach. "I need you to do something for me, however," I said, looking up at him.

Talu cocked his head, showing that he was listening to me. "Yes, Alpha?"

"Whatever goes down, I need you to stay strong," I said, studying his face. "The pack comes first and feelings second." I paused and took a deep breath. "I know that you care about me, and you know that I care about you. But, you have to stay strong to for the pack. No matter what happens."

Talu nodded his head. "Of course," he said. He bowed his head towards me before he walked towards the door, knowing that it was time for him to leave.

I watched his back, seeing that he had stiffened. I knew that it meant he wasn't alone and that Judah was standing in front of him. I stood up in my seat and placed on a warm, welcoming smile on my face, even though it was fake. "Ah, Judah," I said. "Come in." I gestured towards the room. "Talu, can you make sure that no one disturbs me while I'm talking with Judah, please?"

Talu nodded his head. "Of course, Alpha," he said, walking out of the room while Judah walked in. I smirked, while Talu bit back a growl at the other male and left, closing the door behind him.

And now, time for some real fun, I thought, sarcastically. I was still smiling at the older male, who was standing by the door, looking cautious.

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