Chapter 4 (Edited)

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I gritted my teeth together, looking at the board. I moved a hand through my hair, frustrated. How did he get so many of my pieces? I had been doing fairly decent in this round, but after he took my pawn, my luck started to spiral downwards.

Dad leaned back in his chair and looked at me playfully. "Your move," he said, maybe enjoying himself a little too much as he watched me struggle to make up my mind.

"I know that," I said, again, moving a hand through my hair. I sighed and bit my lip in concentration. I growled, an unlady-like growl and moved my other pawn, knowing that he would get it and capture my King.

As I thought he would do, Dad moved his Queen and took out my pawn. "Checkmate," he said, knocking over my King.

I groaned and leaned my head on my hands. "This day keeps getting better and better."

"And you have ten more minutes of it," he replied, as he set up his side of the board.

I nodded my head and set up my side of the board, moving my king so that it wouldn't be on a corner like last time. "So, what is it that you wanted to talk to me about," I said, starting the conversation as he set out his pawn.

He glanced back at Jack, and they had a silent conversation between them, making me a little annoyed.

Jack nodded his head, silently, before my father turned to look back at me.

Dad studied me for a minute, making me shift in my seat, nervously. He sighed and shook his head. "Promise me something," he said, leaning forward towards me. He kept his voice soft, so that even without the sound proof walls, no one could hear him.

I didn't answer and moved a pawn closer to his pawn, trying to get him distracted with that move, and not where this conversation is leading.

"Ember," he said, using his Alpha tone, meaning he wanted my full attention and wanted it then.

I glanced up and shuddered, seeing that his eyes were filled with love and worry. There was another thing that I saw in his eyes was fear. It was like he feared for the future. "Yes, Father," I replied, making sure my voice didn't quiver from the dread I was feeling.

He sighed and moved his knight to collect my pawn. "Whatever is said in this room, stays in this room. You can not repeat anything what I tell you to anyone. You can not even say anything to Talu."

I moved one of my pieces and nodded my head. "Of course, Father."

For about half the game we stayed silent, looking over the pieces of the board and trying to guess the other person's move.

Four pieces left on my side and six pieces left on his side later, Dad finally looked up at me and studied me again.

I glanced down again, trying to make sure that my play was what will be the best for me. I knew that I would probably not win this game either, but I didn't care. I was learning, and I had won about 15 games out of whatever we had played.

"Look at me, please."

"Of course, Father." I looked into his eyes, and the pain and fear was evident in them. It was like something bad was going to happen, and he did not know what to do.

He rubbed his hand through his hair and sighed. "You're eighteen, right?" he asked. "Turning nineteen?"

"On the 1st of December."

"Which is three months away."

I nodded my head. "Yes, Sir."

A couple of minutes of silence, and he looked down at his hands, trying to find a way on to say whatever he needed to say. "I don't know if you'll live that long," he said, truthfully. "Because, I have a very big favor to ask of you."

I bit my lip and chewed on it, watching him. I waited kind of patiently for him to finish thinking, but when the grandfather clock started to tick down the minutes, I knew that I couldn't wait much longer. "Father?" I asked, making him look up at me. I couldn't help but shudder when I saw that the fear was bigger in his eyes. "What is it?" I asked, my voice barely above a whisper.

The clock started to chime as the big hand reached the 12, symbolizing a new day.

"I need you to betray your packs, my pack, and Bane's pack's trust. Something is going down with Judah, and I don't know what it is. I fear the risk of your mother's safety."

I bit my lip and studied the board, not saying anything. I looked to see how it was set up, and suddenly, it dawned on me what was happening to me, was like on the board.

The White King, symbolizing Judah, was standing all by himself, moved away from the rest of the group, or pack. He might have done something stupid to be placed in that position. Knowing him, it seemed like that he did.

The Black King, symbolizing my father, was placed amongst three people so that he would be protected. However, the Black Queen wasn't close to him, but it was closer to the White King.

The Black Queen, symbolizing me, represented what I might have to do to save the pack from some crazy idiot. I was to make sure that no more deaths were caused by him. I stood alone, without any protection and any back-up. That meant I couldn't turn to my Beta, even if I wanted to. I was the only chance that could knock out the White King.

However, was I willing to risk that? Was I willing to risk betraying my pack and my soon to be mate's pack's trust?

I glanced at my father to see that he was waiting patiently, for me to make up my mind.

"What do you say? Will you risk everything you hold dear to protect me, even if it means the death of you?" He glanced at the board and looked at me.

At that moment, looking at him, I knew the answer. I knew what I had to do. I didn't say anything, while I moved my Queen into his King's spot. "Checkmate," I said, leaning back in my chair.

Dad looked at the board, confused. He saw what had happened to the White King, seeing it the way that I did. He nodded his head, agreeing with me. "Good luck, then," he said, standing.

I stood also and bowed my head deeply to him, in respect and in goodbye. I turned to walk out of the room, as the clock finally rung out the twelfth chime.

What a new day it was.

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