Chapter 14 (Edited)

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"Wait, you have to kill her?" Dad asked, looking at me. Shock filled his eyes, because he didn't know that that was the plan from the beginning. There was, also, a pained expression that I couldn't miss, and I knew that he wouldn't be able to look at me the same way ever again, if I went through with the plan.

I gave him a look, as if to say 'really?'. He should know that that was the plan. "Didn't you hear the plan?" I asked, raising an eyebrow. I was mad that he didn't listen to his brother when he told my dad about Judah trying to kill my mother in the first place. They were family after all, and family had to stick together. It was like a pack. They had to trust and be honest with each other. It was how a family or a pack worked. If there was no trust, then the pack or family could fall.

Dad rubbed the back of his neck, sheepishly. "I kind of fell asleep. I woke up when Jack nudged my chair when he saw that I was asleep." He grimaced, his face darkening a little.. "He was feeling kind of upset about something and asked to go to his wife, so I let him. After that, I heard you talking to Rufus, and I was pissed, 'cause he wasn't supposed to be here." He glanced at his brother, frowning.

"Dad, he's family. You're supposed to stick up to family, or that's what you tell me, even if one of my sibling are driving me up the wall." I shook my head and sighed. "But, I do have to kill her, even though I don't want to. She's my mother after all." I looked down, my hair covering my face. "But, it's the only way to save you and the packs from a tyrant." I looked up at him, slightly scared of what will happen to me. I knew that I might be condemned to death, even though it wasn't my fault that I killed her.

Dad sighed and looked down. "I know." His voice was hard and there was a bit of sympathy in it. He looked at Rufus, a pained expression on his face. "And, I'm sorry that I didn't believe you. I thought that you were trying to blame it on Judah, because of the secrecy. Now, I know that it was to find some information about him trying to take over the pack."

Rufus smiled a little. "It's fine," he said. "What are brothers for? They're supposed to help the other one." He shrugged his shoulder and smirked, glancing at me. "'Sides, your daughter is totally you when you were younger. She has so much power and grace. She is, also, highly stubborn."

Dad chuckled and shook his head, probably thinking the same thing. "So, are we good?" He held out his hand for my uncle to take.

Rufus grinned and took hold of his hand and shook it. "Yes, we are cool." He looked at me and grinned. "Now, that you know who I am, I think I can tell you some stories about your father when he was younger."

Dad shook his head. "No, not until she is older."

"Come on, I'm her uncle. I'm supposed to be annoying."

I snorted and shook my head, amused. "Now, that that is taken care of, I need to get back. I've been gone for too long, and I still have school tomorrow." I grimaced, not liking the fact that I had to go to school. I wasn't really much of a school person, even though I was kind of popular, in that loner fashion.

"We're going to catch up. You should be safe to go back by yourself," Dad said, glancing at me..

I nodded my head in goodbye before I walked out of the cave. I paused at the entrance, glad that the darkness swallowed me up. I could hear the soft murmur of their voices, and I knew that they would be all right. Sure, it would take a while, but they would be all right, and they would be a family again.

I shook my head and sighed before shifting into wolf form. I ran to my packhouse, letting myself be swallow into my thoughts. I knew that I was going to have to kill my mother, but it was to protect the greater good of the packs. I just hoped that I would be forgiven by my pack and family.


I walked into my room and sighed, looking around my room, trying to see if there was anything different. Nothing was. There was a frown on my face, because I didn't really know if I wanted to kill my mother or not. I knew that it was up to me to help the packs against Judah, but I was just a teen, a kid. I didn't have that much experience to begin with.

      I shook my head and snorted, breaking me from that thought. "I'm gonna have to do it," I muttered to myself, grabbing my bed clothes before heading into my bathroom. I changed into them, letting my thoughts wander on how I wanted to do the killing of her. I knew that I couldn't fake her death, because I would be watched by someone.

However, Judah did want me to kill her in a secluded area that was away from all the packs. But, that was so that he wouldn't get caught and killed. Boy, did I want him to get killed so badly. I could feel my body spike with adrenaline when I thought that. I could feel it deep in my bones, that I was ready to do whatever it takes to get him dead.

I wanted Markus dead, also. I was going to kill him if it was the last thing that I did. Or, I could have Bane torture him. That would be fun to watch. A sneer appeared on my face when I thought that. I knew that Bane would have fun doing it.

Rufus, nah, he was family, and he did know about this beforehand. He was there to probably protect me if something bad happened to me, or I was caught by Judah with what I was planning on doing. I smiled a little. Hopefully, my father and him could get past the differences of the past, and I would finally have my uncle with me.

Again, I shook my head, clearing me from my thoughts. I should just get to bed. I have no idea what tomorrow will bring, I thought. I moved a hand through my hair before going onto my bed.

My whole body was tired, so I fell asleep before my head even hit the pillow.

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