Chapter 8 (Edited)

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"You called?" Judah asked, raising an eyebrow at me. He walked to a wall and leaned against it, looking around the place. He turned his gaze back to me, staying silent.

I nodded my head. "I know that it seems kind of strange for me to call on you, but I think that we can help each other out." I moved to the front of the desk and leaned against it, watching him.

"Of course you can," Judah said, sarcastically, making me frown. "And what would be the reason that you will?"

"Do you want anything at all before we get into our... discussion?" I asked, cokcing my head to look at him. "I have Champagne."

That made Judah bark out laughing and shaking his head at me. "Your father let's you drink Champagne? That's a laugh."

I smirked, while I walked to the tiny refrigerator, and pulled out a bottle and two glasses. "Who says that he has to know?"

'Don't even think about drinking a glass,' my father said, with a small growl.

I hid an eye roll, while I poured two glasses. "Here you are," I said, handing it to him. "Don't worry, it's not poisoned."

"Then be my guest and drink it first," Judah said, taking the glass from me.

I held my glass up towards him before taking a sip, against my father's wishes. I closed my eyes at the bubbly sensation filled my throat, when I had taken the sip. It took all of my willpower not to spit it back up, because I wasn't a fan of Champagne. "Ah," I said, being a little more dramatic than I should've been. "See? Not poisoned."

Judah took a sip of his drink before he studied the cup. "And now, what is it that you wanted to discuss?" he asked, looking up at me.

"We both know that you are trying to do something with the pack," I said, setting the glass down onto my desk. "And I fear that it might have something to do with my mother."

His body tensed, making me hide a smirk behind a small smile, because I thought I hit the nail right on the head. "And why would you say that?" he asked, covering up his tension.

"Well, I know that you've been talking with a member from another pack and a rogue, since I saw you yesterday," I said. "And I want in. Whatever it is, I want in."

Judah raised an eyebrow as if this wasn't something he hadn't expected me to say. He took a sip from his glass, while he thought about his answer. "Why?" he asked, finally looking up at me, trying to decide if I could be trusted or not.

"We both know that my father would be heartbroken without her," I said. "So heartbroken that the position of Alpha would be open."

"And, it would be given to you"

I chuckled and shook my head.. "You silly, Wolf. It wouldn't be given to me just yet."

That perked Judah up tremendously. He leaned forward, showing his interest in what I had to say. "I'm listening."

Jackpot, I thought to myself, taking the glass and sipped some of the Champagne. I was trying my best to hide a smirk, since I knew what I was going to do. I swallowed and looked at the impatient male, who was trying to be patient. I could still see that he didn't trust me, but he was so power-hungry, that he didn't care. He should've listened to his instincts.

"Well," I said, finally. I leaned forward, as if this was such an important secret that I had to share with him, so we needed to be closer together. He leaned in, his eyes showing the eagerness that he was trying to keep hidden off of his face.

It took all my strength not to lash out at him now and claw his beady eyes out for wanting to hurt my family. I knew that I needed to wait, as a cat waits for the right time to kill a mouse.

All of this needed to be in place so that I could get the information that lead to his death, even if it might be mine first.

"Well?" he asked, finally.

"I have to be 21 before I am mated with Bane," I said, making up facts in my head, quickly. "Or when the Elder Alpha decides that we are ready."

"And that means... the Head Betas will take over until then,."

"Oh, you know how the Betas are." I waved my hand, dismissively, at the idea of them running. "They wouldn't want to lead even if they had gotten the chance. I think you've noticed that when my family went on vacation."

Judah chuckled and nodded his head, as if he was agreeing with me. "They had your parents write down what they were supposed to do, and Jack carried the book around doing whatever it said."

"See? They're in no position to lead the group around, if my father was to be out of office," I said, praying that I wouldn't get hurt for my words later on.

Judah nodded his head. "So, you want me to challenge your father after the plan with your mother is carried out?"

"And I will help out."

"Even if it means death?"

"Even then."

Judah took hold of his drink and held it up for toast. "To your parents... health," he said, a devious smile playing on his lips, making me want to hurl the glass straight at his head.

I refrained from that and smiled, hoping that my lips wouldn't flatten a bit. "To my parents health," I said, clinking my glass next to his. I downed another sip, while Judah downed his in one gulp.

"Meet me at the forked end tonight, and we'll... discuss a few things," he said, standing. "Right now, I must show my face to my pack."

I hid a cringe as his words showed that he was claiming the pack was his, even though it was still my parents. "Of course," I said, gesturing to the door.

Judah nodded his head and walked towards it. He paused when he was about to open it and looked back at me. "You know," he said. "I might have been wrong about you. You're not like your parents at all." He nodded his head in goodbye, before he walked out of the office, closing the door behind him.

I growled and threw my glass at the door, letting it shatter as the Champagne splattered across the door and the floor. "And you are wrong about that," I said, stiffly, rubbing my forehead.

I sighed and sat down on my desk. "Remember, I'm doing this my own way. That means no interference, even if you don't like something that I say or do," I said, talking through the ear-piece.

'Just be careful,' Dad said.

"No promises," I replied, looking at the broken glass. "No promises at all."

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