Joining Up

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**CONTENT WARNING** Mild drug use (marijuana). 

I don't love you anymore

I could care less for your sore

My dreams are taking prisoners tonight

Shackled and chained, it doesn't mean a thing

The things that once kept you safe and sound

Are now nowhere to be found

Are now nothing more than carrion

Vying for my attention

Pleading for my affection

Being naked does nothing for me

Except shows me your scars

You show me your decimated life

And all I can do is laugh

The disappointed look of strangers

As you try to break me

You're wearing rose colored glasses

Yet all you see is black

You had one fan but you blew it

I can taste your failure in my mouth

Sweet suckle this kindly truth

You're my ugly and uncouth

I just need to know right now

Are you really as defenseless

As you make yourself out to be?

--The song Banging On Deceit, lyrics by Orion Bauwens

"Are you high?"

Orion giggles, shoving the cheeseburger he's complained about since Freshman year into his mouth. I gawk at him in absolute disbelief. I'm bewildered, partially because he's not even supposed to be in my lunch.

"You are, aren't you?"


"On what?"

He rolls his eyes. "Just weed, dude."

I don't know where he got two, but he starts on his second cheeseburger. You're only allowed one. He shoves fries in his mouth.

"Just? Just?"

Now Orion glares at me. "You're not my mother."

"You're damn right I'm not!" I snap. "Because if she knew what you were doing I doubt she'd care!"

"Fuck, Jake, calm the hell down. You're acting like I shot someone."

All I do is frown at him.

"Are you guys doing Battle of the Bands?"

I look off to the side, scratching my neck. With Stacy's death, we hadn't thought of that. The competition is next week already. "I d'no if you can sign up still...I think we're just gonna skip this year."

"What?! You can't!"

"Orion," I tell him gently, "it's okay."

"But I know how much the band means to you guys."

I shake my head. "Too much going on. We just got back to school."

"So? It'll be a good way to forget--uh--to get back in the swing of things!"

Rising Star: Book 3 of The Orion SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now