Gallows Humor

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How many eyes do you have?

'Cause I can't see

My lips are sewn shut but

I can hear my own screams in my head

Will you cradle me with your blood-soaked hands?

Don't worry about your talons, I'm fine

Are you my ventriloquist? 

I seem to have lost my voice

Are you my light in the dark?

This cellar goes on forever

I can no longer feel you

Hanging from this noose

My nose is filled with blood, sorry

I can no longer smelling the rotting things 

My teeth are gone, may I borrow yours?

Sharp and pointed so I can tear the flesh

I am sorry for this nightmare

I am in Hell, will you help me?

Sorry, I lost my way and I can't seem to find it back

Sorry, I can't seem to find it in me to care about it anymore

Can you?

--the song Out Of My Head, lyrics by Orion Bauwens

I raise my hand.

"Yes, Jake?"

"Can't I transfer to another class?"

A sigh. "There is no other class, Jake."

"But I know all this already!"

"I know all this already," Orion mocks quietly besides me. He's picking at his guitar strings, fringe falling into his face. I glare.

"Well I'm sorry, you're going to have to just humor us with your presence while the rest of the class picks up what you know."

My hand shoots into the air again. Our music teacher, Mr. DeVry, sighs again. "Yes Jake?"

"If I can play something really complicated and prove I don't need to be here, can I not show up to class?"

Mr. DeVry chuckles. "No."

I frown.


I sit up straight.

"Maybe we could work something out."

Orion's hand immediately shoots into the air, his ass partially coming off his seat in his excitement. "Mr. DeVry!"

He looks startled at Orion. Music class is, I think, probably one of the only classes Orion participates like a normal student in. Besides talking to me I don't think I've heard Orion say one word in this class. He's always sitting at rapt attention. It's a stark contrast with biology where we can't get him to shut up.

"Uh, yes, Orion?"

"Can I too?! Please? Please?"

Mr. DeVry looks surprised. "Uh... Well, I guess, if you can prove yourself."

"Can we do it now?" he asks excitedly.

"Uhhhh..." Our teacher looks at the class. "Does anyone mind?"

Rising Star: Book 3 of The Orion SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now