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"If they come we can't be here," Princess states.

Princess has gotten nervous. Joaquin had just called his mother and let him know that he knew she was a member of the Illuminati. That was against the rules.

I turn and see Joaquin. He's taken his bottle out to the balcony. He's drinking Hennessy straight from the bottle. His emotions are finally getting the better of him. It's clear now more than ever that everything he wanted and everything he ever thought to accomplish was all gone.

"What am I supposed to do?" I ask.

"He ruined everything. They are going to come to get him," Princess states panicking, "They are going to kill him. It's over. It's fucking over!"

Princess is panicking. I watch as she starts heading out to the door.

"Princess wait!"

Ashley steps in the way of me trying to pull Princess back, "Let her go. She's afraid. She has a reason to be."

Princess leaves. Seeing the fear in her eyes makes me wonder exactly why she is so afraid. My heart is racing at this moment. Joaquin had basically caused suspicion. Our plan was going so well. I look back over at him. I can't blame him. He's upset. He just found out his whole life was nothing more than a lie designed and crafted. He was nothing more than a tool of a secret group that he didn't know existed until recently.

"They'll wonder who told him," I state, "They'll wonder who betrayed the Illuminati."

"Listen. We don't have much time. Knowing the Illuminati they are going to send someone here to investigate."




My heart is racing. Ashley is giving me a strong look but I feel so weak. I can't imagine that Quest's weak, passive girlfriend is the one here giving me strength. There was a time when I hated the sight of her. There was a time that she disgusted me. Now she was the only one in my corner here helping me. I don't know how to do this.

"What will they do to him?" I ask.

"Now that he knows about the Illuminati, he has no choice. Either he joins or dies. Whoever they are sending here will be investigating the situation."

"What do I do?"

"You have to convince him..."

I look back outside. I see Joaquin drinking heavily. Tears are rolling down his eyes. He's emotional right now and he has every reason to be.

"He's not going to listen to me."

"We don't have a lot of time. You need to make him listen to you," Ashley explains, "Go. I'll watch the door. They're coming Memphis and we better have our story right when they get here."

Ashley is right. Joaquin had just told his mother that he knew something that he shouldn't have known. They were going to come here to investigate why he said he wasn't joining the Illuminati. I could feel my heart beating through my chest at that moment. I know that everything rides on me convincing Joaquin to join the Illuminati now.

I head out onto the porch. I slide the door and sit in the lawn chair. We are several stories up. The city is beautiful and bustling behind us. That's when I see Joaquin. He's standing close to the ledge at that moment.

He's standing a little too close.

"Baby...get away from the ledge, OK?" I state.

"Baby?" he laughs, "You don't mean that."

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