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It's the middle of the night, and my eyes aren't right

But even a blind man can see this is love at first sight

I don't need to see straight, because Fate doesn't wait

And I know you're my soul mate

I know you're my soul mate

And if I can't see you, I'll find you through the darkness

This is a light in us, it's just waiting for you to spark this

And even if I can't locate, I know Fate doesn't wait

And I know you're my soul mate

I know you're my soul mate

A year has passed.

I'm sitting in the front row. I'm surrounded by 5,000 people. The huge sign toggles overhead saying PJQ. That was the name of the band. The three singers are on stage. The crowd is going crazy. I can feel the literal heat coming off of the floor.

Joaquin is the lead singer. He rips off his shirt and a crowd of girls damn near rush the stage. Luckily I've been doing my job and made sure we had some buff police officers in front of the stage. They block the girls pushing them back. The restraint causes even more mayhem.

"I know you're my soulmate," Joaquin belts out.

He works the stage. They had performed at smaller venues before and usually, that was a big problem when he worked the stage like he did. He's a natural. He abdomen muscles are pulsating as though he's doing crunches right now. His pectoral muscles jump on his chest. He throws his shirt into the crowd causing even more chaos. Then he points. He points into the crowd. His mouth is making love to his microphone. He grinds his hips thrusting up and down in the signature "Joaquin Jive" that seems to drive females completely nuts.

He thrusts his hips again. A small indent is in his jeans. I'm not the only one that notices it. The girls are screaming when they see it.

He points, "You. You are my soul mate!"

His voice hits a high note. His vocal range is stunning. When he hits the note that he hits it echoes throughout the hall. The fact that he can go from this deep sultry baritone to a true falsetto in a matter of seconds seems to send girls into a frenzy.

But there is one person he's pointing at. There's one person he's singing to.

That person was me.


"Did you like it?" he asks me backstage.

He's shirtless. He's dripping with sweat. I can't take my eyes off Joaquin. Neither can anyone else backstage. He just had that star factor. Prairie had that androgynous pretty boy thing going on. Quest had the quiet, reluctant star thing going on. Joaquin wasn't like that though. He screamed LEAD. As he walks in a room eyes follow. He walks past all of them, though. He looks right at me. He comes so close to my face. He bites his lips hoping that I like it.

Prairie and Quest get off stage with him. They are all winded.

"You guys did amazing," I let them know.

The venue was packed. All year we had been waiting for this moment and it was finally here. It was the first date on our tour. We'd be traveling from city to city.

"You did amazing," Prairie states, "The security guards were really needed. I swear when Joaquin took off his shirt those girls were about to stampede. Felt like motherfucking Mufasa."

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