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I'm knocking on his door. It's the only person that I know I can get to right now. It's the only person that I know that could listen to me right now. I knock on the door at that moment to see him. He's standing behind it. It's Joaquin.

"What's wrong?"

I'm tearing up. I just ran out of my apartment to get help when Quest stopped moving. I didn't know what else to do.


I'm hyperventilating. I can't breathe. Joaquin pulls me into his muscular chest. He doesn't have a shirt on. He just holds me there and for a minute I feel like he is calming me down. It's something about the way he holds me close that just makes everything in this moment alright.

"Calm down OK?" he tells me, "Now breathe. I need you to talk slow and I need you to let me know what is going on."

"It's Quest. He's dead."

"Quest is dead?" Joaquin states shaking his head in disbelief, "How! What are you talking about?"

"He's in my apartment. They killed him Joaquin. They fucking killed him."

Joaquin immediately grabs the phone.

He calls the cops at that moment.

The whole time he's on the phone with the cops I am standing next to the fridge. I'm breathing heavy. I didn't know if I should be getting Joaquin involved with this. I didn't know if I should be getting the cops involved with this. What choice did I have though? They had just killed my best friend in the world. I wasn't thinking straight right now.

I just left them, running out of the apartment as fast as I could to get help. I ran down the flights of stairs all the way to Joaquin's apartment.

Joaquin is just as nervous as I am, "Wait here."

That's when I see Joaquin turn around. He runs into his room and he comes back with a gun. I look at the gun and before he even puts bullets in I know exactly what he's going to do.

"No. Wait. You can't go back up there."

I literally chase him into the hallway. Joaquin doesn't put on shoes. He doesn't put on a shirt. He just has his gun and some basketball shorts. The look on his face is something I've never seen before. He hated Quest but right now Joaquin was just as upset as I was.

"I'm just going to check it out, OK?" he tells me, "Stay here."

"I'm not letting you go by yourself."

I'm not taking no for an answer. Joaquin seems like he isn't willing to wait until the cops get there either. He has this look on his face that is telling me that he is going to find out what happened to Quest one way or another.

We make it up the steps. The door is open. The lights are off in the apartment still. There is a cold breeze that sweeps through the hallways.

Joaquin shivers. He might be nervous. He might be cold because he doesn't have much of anything on. I lean into him, securing my hands around his shoulders. He looks into my eyes really hard before clutching the gun so hard that I can see the strain in his fingers.

"You ready?" he whispers to me.

I want to say no but the words don't come out of my mouth. Instead I nod like an idiot. All the while my palms are sweating and my heart is beating faster than a Rock Metal drummer. I find courage somewhere in this though because I find myself actually leading the way. Truth is I really just don't want Joaquin to get hurt and I'm thinking maybe it wasn't a good idea to have told him what was going on.

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