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"Remember when we told you that we weren't interested in you marrying Joaquin? With just a few more dates on the tour, we were really starting to reconsider this. The company's stance on this has really changed. We think it may be a good idea. As a matter of fact, we are wondering how you would feel about going public with this..."

Mr. Appleton's voice is loud and clear. I watch as Princess puts her hand on his hand.

I'm sitting in a room. It's not just me. Joaquin and I are pulled into the room. The big shots of ICM are there. I'm talking about some heavy hitters and chair members. I'm looking across the table to see Joaquin's publicist, Marsha sitting there among them.

I'm confused. Joaquin looks over at me. He seems just as confused as I am.

"This is sort of..." I start.

"Unexpected..." Joaquin finishes.

We just got back from a tour performance in Canada. We were going to spend a few days in New York and then we would be back on the road. The tour was sold out. There were levels to this tour thing. You got the venues for normal performs, stadiums who were the big, A-list performers and then arenas for performers who surpassed even that. We were beginning to book stadiums. This PJQ was blowing up in a way that I don't think anyone was really ready for.

"We are thinking we can make a big press reveal surrounding it," Marsha states, "Gay is the new black. All eyes would be on you. Princess just sent us studies proving that your fans would not only support you but feel it's sexier because they can't have you."

Joaquin rubs his hands on his head. He's confused. He looks at me for answers. I wish I could say I was surprised but I wasn't. I knew this was going to happen. I had met with Joaquin's mother. She had let me know that she was a member of the Illuminati known only as the informer. She gave me a mission. It was quick. It was simple.

Marry Joaquin.


I wasn't sure.

All I knew was that I was supposed to marry him and I didn't think I really had a choice in it.

"Think it over," Mr. Appleton tells us, "This publicity could mean the difference from Joaquin going from a national superstar to an international icon. Think of all the big names who started in groups. Beyonce, Justin Timberlake...Michael Jackson."

"Michael..." Joaquin repeats.

The name salivates in his throats. Michael was Joaquin's icon. The idea of being that big is something that he probably always dreamed of. What pop star didn't dream about being as big as Michael Jackson though?

Mr. Appleton knew just what he was doing and I was beginning to think it was working.

"We'll discuss it. We'll get back to you," I tell them.


We arrive back at my loft later that evening. It's awkward, to say the least. I don't say anything. I just go to the fridge and pull out a bottle of Paul Maison. I start drinking it straight out of the bottle. When I put the bottle down I notice Joaquin leaning up against the marble centerpiece in this expensive ass loft. Usually, he goes to meet his fitness trainer around then but I knew that he wanted to talk and I knew that he wanted to talk specifically about the meeting we had.

"Did you catch how Princess grabbed Appleton's hand?" Joaquin states.

I was Joaquin's manager. The fact that Appleton was involved in that meeting was way beyond protocol. They were trying to force the decision on me and I knew that I wasn't the only one who found it suspicious. Clearly, Joaquin found it suspicious as well.

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