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"Well this is it," he tells me, "Whose those people outside of your apartment."

We just left the bar I was at with Quest. My heart is racing. Quest is looking at me weird. News about Mrs. Appleton's death isn't really sitting well with me. It is just way too much of a coincidence that Mrs. Appleton died the very same night that Princess was talking about getting married to Mr. Appleton.

As he drops me off at my apartment building I realize that there are some strange looking people in the lobby. They are random. People that don't look like they belong together. People that don't look like they would even speak. The most random people in the world are just standing in my lobby and it seems weird. Not just to me but to him as well.

They turn when we pull up. They look at me. They want something.

I'm not sure what.

I hear my phone ring. The call is unknown. I pick up the call.

"We need your help. We need you to help clean something up."

My heart is racing.

I panic.

I just end the call.

Quest gives me a curious stare, "Who was that?"

"Can you drive?" I ask.

"What's wrong?" Quest asks me.

"Just drive. PLEASE!"

Quest doesn't respond. He just takes off at that moment. He keeps looking at me weird the entire drive to his apartment.

Quest grabs my arm before I leave the car, "Why are you shaking? Man you look so nervous?"

"Can I just sleep over. Just for tonight."

"Of course."

We get out of the car. Quest doesn't say anything to me but he follows me close behind. When we open the door I walk in and just go to the fridge and get a glass of water. When I close the fridge Quest is still downstairs. He's still looking at me. He still has this face on that seems more than concerned. Within a matter of seconds, I hear footsteps. Quest isn't alone.

I jump when I see someone descending the stairs.

"Quest is that you?" the person says.

I jump so much that I damn near spill the water in my hands. My nerves are so fucking bad.

"Fuck, didn't expect you to be here," I state.

I could have sworn Quest said he was done with Ashley. The fact that she is in his apartment right now shocks me.

"Didn't mean to scare you," Ashley states.

Quest immediately puts his hand on my shoulder, "He's had a long night."

"Is there anything I can do..."

"Just some privacy please?" Quest asks.

I'm surprised when he tells her that but Ashley being the nice girl she was goes back upstairs without saying a word. In the next few minutes, Quest turns to me. He puts his hand on my shoulder a little bit. He massages it. I can feel him seeming somewhat concerned. Quest seems like he is definitely a little bothered.

"Why didn't you want to go to your place?"

"You won't get it."

"It has something to do with Mrs. Appleton doesn't it?"


I'm lying out of my ass. Truth is it has everything to do with Mrs. Appleton. It is really late but right now this is the only place that I know. My own car is at my building. My building is surrounded with people who I felt sure were part of the Illuminati and they said they needed help with something. I could only imagine it was something bad. Something I wasn't sure I wanted to be involved in.

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