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I wake up. I'm in pain.

"Take these..." someone says.

It's a female doctor.

"Where am I?" I ask her.

"Lennox Hill Hospital in the Upper East side," she states, "I am a doctor. My name is doctor Rehxia Balm. I need you to take these."

I take the pills at that moment.


I wake back up.

The nurses are there with me. I don't know how many hours have gone by but I wake up to see that Quest is at my bedside. I notice there are bags of stuff there with him.

"Hello," I say to the nurse.

The nurse smiles, "You're up...finally. How are you feeling?"


"Good. You're recovering really well. It's a miracle."

"How long has he been there?" I ask the nurse.

She looks over at Quest. She smiles.

"Your brother has been here all week. He won't leave. He only goes to work and comes right back here. His girlfriend brings him a change of clothes."

It definitely sounded a lot like Quest.

"How long do I have to be in here?" I ask.

"Not much longer. You are in great condition. Your body just took a beating which is why you've were unconscious for so long. We do have to do a mental health assessment as well before you're released. You did jump off a bridge..."

"Matthews? I thought my Doctor's name was Balm."

"There is no Doctor Balm here."

I must have been dreaming it. That was weird.


I get released after the mental health assessment and a number of tests. Quest isn't speaking to me. I know he isn't. He takes me back to his apartment. There is no talking. When we get to the door I try to speak to him.

"Quest...you have to say something to me," I state.

He doesn't respond. He just ignores me and opens the door. I'm not surprised that my parents are there. My mom and dad immediately hug me as soon as I walk through the door. Quest's girlfriend is in the apartment as well.

"You guys drove all the way up from Connecticut?" I ask.

"We've been here all week," my mother says, "What is happening with you baby?"

"Did you really jump off the bridge?"

"Why would you try to kill yourself?"

There are so many questions coming at me at once. I don't know how to respond. All I know is that I survived somehow and Quest is upset with me. I look over at him. He isn't giving me the least bit of eye contact.

"Guys I'm really tired," I state.

It's the only way to stop them from asking all the questions.

"You have to start thinking about the people around you. Why didn't you think about the people that love you," my dad says, "Look at your brother."

"He's not my brother, Dad, stop saying that," I reply.

"If I'm not your brother then who the fuck am I!" Quest goes off at that moment.

Quest slams his hand so hard that I am afraid he hurt himself. The look in his eyes is a look of pain. I knew he would be hurt if anything happened to me but when I jumped off the bridge I wasn't even thinking of him. Right now he is shaking. His already slanted eyes are squinting at me so much that he can barely see past them.

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