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"I'm sorry. You have cancer."

I never thought that I would be sitting here at 30 hearing a speech from a doctor letting me know that I was dying. An MRI showed that the cancer had spread to my tailbone and throughout my abdomen, but hadn't damaged my spinal cord. Hearing about my treatment options at that point I felt like I was in another world. I felt like there was no way in hell that this could be real. Right? It was impossible.

But no.

It wasn't.

I was dying...at 30.

"Memphis, how was your appointment, sweetie?"

My coworker Alexi is in the breakroom. A big sign that reads Intercontinental Music is behind her. ICM is one of the biggest record labels on the planet. Alexi talks a lot. She's a preppy white girl with pink hair, edgy glasses, colorful clothes and an out there personality. She's always so happy. Even now she's smiling. You would think everything was right in the world.

"I'm fine," I tell her.

I could say that I'm dying. I could say that the cancer is aggressive and that even with chemo my doctor says there is only a 20 percent chance that I'd survive through the year.

The worst thing.

The world keeps moving. My job at ICM is still busy. The coffee room is the big gossip area. It's a live TMZ. Everyone's gossiping about this music artist and that music artist. Everyone is wondering who is dating who. Usually I would love something like this. I had a good job in Economics at the local Public Administrations office. That's what I went to school for, but I was never passionate about it. My passion was music. I wanted to be a music manager. Management was what I wanted to do. So I quit the Public Administrations job and I chased my dream.

That brought me here.

"Oh my god...here comes your best friend. My boss is everything..."

I met Alexi through my best friend. She just so happened to be his assistant. Ever since the day she started she's been swooning over him.

"Stop it Alexi."

"Are you going to tell him you're in love with him?" she asks me.

I grab Alexi. I remember the night that I had gotten so drunk around Alexi and spilled all my beans about how I felt about my best friend.

"Stop. He'll hear you."

"I'm just joking. If you don't tell him you're in love with him then let me express my love for him. He's so FINE."

"You do know he's getting married right?" I tell Alexi.

Alexi could care less. She adjusts her suit, plants her eyes across the room, smacks her lips twice for assurance that they are wet.

Quest was a writer. He was one of the best in the business. He was contracted by ICM to basically ghost write for a lot of their artists. Quest was damn talented. Everyone knew it too. He walks in the room with a hippie vibe. I don't know why he dresses like he is constantly at Coachella. I think it's kind of hilarious to tell the truth. Quest is handsome. No. Handsome doesn't really describe it. He's past that.

He was the perfect man.

"Hey Quest," she smiles.

I know why Alexi is giddy. Quest is about 6'1". He's chocolate. His skin is like mocha. He never had a pimple all the years I've known him. He has the kind of skin you just want to run your fingers across. People say that we look like brothers and I kind of see it. We both have naturally slanted eyes, big lips, muscular frames, small waists and tight perky butts. I've always been attractive, but just slightly shorter than Quest. For some reason the fact that he could pass as my older brother turns me on even more. Sometimes I imagined God made me and then decided to perfect me in order to make Quest.

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