Part 3, Chapter 13- Halloween Party, Fifth years only

Start from the beginning

Emma squeals, "You should jinx your hair to be red, really freak out George."

I stop and look at her, "If I jinx my hair red I'd look like Ginny. And that is not something I want to be apart of." I say. Emma screams in laughter.

I brush out my hair and pull it all up into a high pony tail, using a red scrunchie that Angelina let me borrow one time. I then put on a white button down shirt only buttoning the middle three buttons, put on my school skirt, pull on some knee high white socks and put my feet into black sneakers.

Emma works for hours perfecting her cat like makeup which I really don't see the need for but she wants to make it perfect so I let her have her fun. At around ten-thirty that night, half hour after curfew all the fifth year Slytherins meet in the common room in their costumes.

Graham managed to bewitch a telescope to bend, and flatten every which way and it still works so he shoved it through the crack in the common room door and peers out to make sure there's no staff roaming around. Once he's sure and certain no one is around he opens the door and we all make a run for the staircase. It's a miracle we aren't seen by anyone. Eleven loud Slytherin students racing up seven flights of stairs does tend to draw a lot of attention from people.

We all follow Graham to the hidden entrance of the room of requirement. He paces back and forth in front of the wall three times, muttering about the fifth year party. The stone wall morphs into a wooden door. He opens it and instantly music floods the corridor. We all run inside and he closes the door behind us.

There are decorations hanging from the ceiling, steams of black and orange fabric swaying in the air. Jack O' Lanturns are being carved along the back wall by some students. Music by the Hobgoblins blaring through some speakers that have been set up.

Emma grabs me and Walters hands and yanks us towards the drink table that is set up. She pours us all big cups of Knotgrass Mead and forces us to clang our cups together, "Happy Halloween!" She shouts. The whole room cheers and says it back, raising their glasses into the air.

"Bloody hell." George whispers into my ear from behind me. I turn around to face him, nearly spilling my drink everywhere.

"Weasley. How are you?" I say to him. I take a big drink from my cup and lick my lips clean.

George watches my every movement with a specific level of intensity that I've only seen a few times, "You're right. This party was a very good idea." He says to me smirking. Emma cuts in and hands George a drink which he downs in one gulp.

He then grabs my hand and pulls me to the middle of the room where everyone is dancing. He puts his hands on my hips and I put my arms around his neck, careful not to spill what's left of my drink down his back. We start to sway in beat with the people around us. It's to loud to talk so we just dance, swaying our hips close together.

I look behind George's head and see Fred and Angelina talking in a corner, standing very close together, each of them holding a cup of something in their hands. I keep watching, I watch as Fred kisses her cheek carefully. "Your brother just kissed Angelina." I whisper into George's ear.

"He did what?" He tries to turn his head around to see but I tighten my grip on the back of his neck with my hand that's not holding my drink.

"Don't do that you'll scare him off. They're just talking again, but he kissed her on the cheek." I whisper to him. I look back at Georges face and he's smiling.

"Not the only one that's kissing someone. Wally and Lee are in the corner over here. Looks like they're sucking each others faces off." George whispers to me.

I spin George around so I can see and sure enough Walter and Lee are making out in the corner far away from everyone else, "Fookin hell. Look at my boy go." I say to George.

"He told us on the way up here that him and Wally were seeing each other. They're adorable I think." George says.

I look at Georges face. He's pre-occupied watching Fred and Angelina talking in the corner. I take the moment to appreciate everything about him. Everything about this moment. The loud music making the floor vibrate. My friends going after people they like, living their lives to the fullest. People in my year bumping against us as we all just get drunker and drunker as we dance around to the music.

Hours pass, the music gets quieter, people start to head back to their common rooms as quietly as possible. George and I are both on our seventh drink, we sway slowly in the middle of the room, leaning on each other for balance support. Fred and Angelina have left the room, together. Wally and Lee are dancing around together. Emma is no where to be seen.

At about four in the morning Wally comes over to me and touches my shoulder. "We better make our way back to the common room. Let's hope Emma is already there." He says, clearly the more sober one out of the two of us.

"Alright. Bye Georgie." I say to my boyfriend.

George laughs and kisses the tip of my nose. "Night beautiful."

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