🌼body swap pt.1🌼

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"Awww that's too bad. Oh well, feel better soon. Also you are acting a bit weird..." He walked away as well and I grabbed the stuff that looked like school supplies and headed to school with Teru.

|Kou's POV|
When I woke up to my alarm, something already felt off. My pillow smelled different, but I liked it. When I started becoming less drowsy and more aware I noticed strands of pink hair all in my face.

"Wh-What the...??" I muttered to myself.

I then immediately put my hand over my mouth.

Th-This isn't my voice. It's way more high pitched than usual...

I looked for the nearest mirror and felt sick.

"M-Mitsuba?!" I accidentally said too loud.

"Mitsuuuu are you ok?" I hear his mom shout from downstairs.

"Oh, er, yeah I'm fine!!" I shouted back.

Th-There's no way this is actually happening. I MUST be dreaming... this is so unreal.

I grabbed his phone and looked for my contact. His phone was luckily accessible since there was face recognition.

✨Lame-ass earring boi✨

I chuckled at my name and texted him

✨Lame-ass earring boi✨

Uhhhh I think something weird happened...

(I'm too lazy to repeat the texts plus you guys already know what happened so let's move on lmao)

|Kou's POV|
I got dressed in his favorite pink sweater then grabbed Mitsuba's school bag and packed everything I thought he needed. Since I also didn't know where school was from Mitsuba's house I got directions from his phone. Once I was ready I put my (?) hair in a rushed ponytail and stared at the mirror for a bit.

Pffft he's pretty cute honestly.

How did this even happen?? Probably has something to do with that Hanako guy. He's always up to no good.

"I made you some toast before you go!" Mitsuba's mom told me.

"Ok, thanks! Bye!"

"Bye Mitsuba!"

I grabbed his bike and started following the directions to school while also eating the piece of toast.

|Mitsuba's POV|
I had already made it to school with Teru and just waited for Kou.

"I'm gonna head inside and meet up with Akane, see you after school Kou!"


"You could at least try sounding a bit more enthusiastic ya know."

I jumped from the sudden voice next to me. Luckily it was just Kou.

"Jeez lame-ass earring you scared me."

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