Wall Rose

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Eren's sea green eyes fluttered open as he woke up. As he forced himself to a sitting position, his eyes shifted to Akira, who had one arm wrapped around Mikasa, who had fallen asleep in the older girl's lap.

Slowly, he got out of bed and walked towards the window. Mikasa turned to her step brother and they talked in hushed whispers in a poor attempt to not wake the eldest Jaeger. Their attempt was shattered by a frantic Armin. Five years later, and the second wall had finished serving its purpose.

Despite the pounding headache, Akira found herself running after the teens down the hall. By nightfall, they were prepared to take off. Well...as prepared as they could be on such a short notice.

Akira found herself sitting across from the three teens, lost in thought. What if Armin is right? God, it's become such a mess.

Hanji's excited voice pulled her back to reality and instinctively, she scooted over. Her face flushed slightly as she found herself pinned between the edge of the cart and Levi.

"Ermm isn't that a priest from the Order of the walls?" At Armin's statement, she leaned forwards slightly to get a better look.

Hanji's glasses flashed almost dangerously in the torch light. "Oh yeah, Nick and I are best buds, right? Don't let that bother you. The whole makeup of this squad doesn't make any sense. Doesn't it Levi?"

The dark haired man glanced at Akira for a second before answering. "No I think it might. Erwin picked them out for a reason."

Feeling his steely gaze settle on her as he spoke, Akira turned her face away to hide her blush, something that didn't quite go unnoticed by Armin.

Everyone turned to look forwards as Erwin shouted his orders before they all moved out into the night.

The jaws of the new recruits seemed to simultaneously drop as Hanji began to fill them in. Akira runner her temples slightly. "Eren, sir down. If you fall out of the cart, I'm not going back for you." Begrudgingly he complied to his sister's light hearted threat.

Levi reached into his pocket and drew a pistol. "There's more than one way to extract information. I'm just hoping we a can get what we want without blowing holes in anyone."

Hanji dismissed it. "That won't work, trust me I already tried. Which makes me wonder...what if the reason he doesn't talk is because he knows something more important than the fate of humanity."

Akira blinked. "Whatever it is, it must be pretty important."

Levi hummed in agreement as he shifted so one of his arms was around her shoulder . "Must be."

Akira didn't even stiffen at the motion. Instead, she shifted slightly so she was leaning into his touch. Mikasa glanced at her momentarily and narrowed her eyes before glancing away again.

The rest of the ride was relatively silent besides the pounding of bourse hooves and the anxious beating of brave hearts. At some point Akira had closed her eyes and had tried to use Mikasa's scarf to block out the overwhelming sound. When Hanji had gone into her 'science geek' mode, Levi was quick to scold her.

It was almost morning now. Levi still had one arm wrapped carefully around her petite frame while her head rested on shoulder. He insisted that Akira tried to go to sleep even after she said she felt better. Sighing, he moved to shake her awake. Her green eyes opened slightly. "I'm awake. I couldn't fall asleep."

She sat up and brushed a hand through her hair. "Sorry about using you as a pillow."

Levi scowled to himself as his face threatened to turn bright red. "Tsk Find somewhere else to rest your head next time." Despite his harsh wording, it came off almost light hearted.

Akira nodded and in a similar tone said "Yes sir", completed with a salute. Both of them smiled slightly at the interaction while Eren's eyes shifted in between them, almost like he was reading an invisible set of equations.

Wipe them out~Levi x ocWhere stories live. Discover now