What should be done

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Akira jerked awake with a small shriek as her head hit the bottom of the table. At some point during the night, she had laid down on a makeshift bed made of three chairs.

Rubbing the back of her head slightly, she followed Hanji and Eren to the stables, silently praying that her hair wasn't a complete mess.

Akira winced slightly as the Section Commander fell to the ground , letting out heart broken screeches. She glanced to the left and right waiting for someone to do something.

Sighing, she knelt down besides the brunette, hugging her. "I'm sorry, I know they ment a lot to you."

The rest of the day was just as hectic as the beginning, and Akira found herself sitting on the castle roof after dinner, staring at the night sky.

Levi's voice snapped her out of her thoughts. It was cold and steely, and, if she wasn't mistaken, contained a little bit of panic. "Oi brat, what do you think you're doing?"

"I'm not going to jump, if that's what you're thinking. It's just...peaceful up here I guess."

She scooted over as Levi joined her. "Mm yeah it is. But don't go up here again without supervision."

"Yes sir."

For the next month, Levi and Akira met up on the roof. She cleaned 'their spot' thoroughly after the first night and did that once a week in an attempt to make the Captain more comfortable. Most of the time they sat in silence or discussed battle plans and the upcoming mission. (But Arthur-Chan is getting ahead of themselves, aren't they?)

Akira's green eyes gleamed as she spotted her friends. She glanced at Levi and he huffed. "Go on."

"Thanks." She disappeared around a corner.

The next second, Connie was screaming as a wild Akira tackled the person in front of him, which happened to be Reiner.

In a joking manner, Reiner started to run around, waving his arms and yelling "Get it off!"

Akira let out a satisfied laugh as she clung to his back like a koala. "Never! I got you now."

Levi rolled his eyes as he watched it go down. A boy with two colored hair approached Akira and her mood drastically changed. She was clinging onto him next, but in a comforting way.

Levi's eyes narrowed as he felt a twinge in his chest. He had the sudden indescribable to throw the horse faced boy off of a cliff. He took a step towards them before Akira backed up and seemed to address her brother.

Levi snapped out of his daze as the rookies were called to go get their uniforms. Tch, what was that. You've barely known her for a couple of weeks. You still have to kill her if it goes wrong.

Akira was what someone could classify as the 'team mom'. She was always checking up on everyone, making sure they're alright and stuff along that lines. She had lost people, of course she had. But Marco was the first time since her Mom that really effected her. She seemed to be making up excesses to touch people as if to confirm that they were, in fact, alive and well.

Wipe them out~Levi x ocKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat