I promise

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Akira's grip instinctively tightened on the gun she was holding as she watched the Military Police storm the cabin she was starting to call home.

Connie seemed to pale as he spoke. "If we hadn't left right then..."

Levi subtly shifted closer to Akira so that they were nearly touching. "New orders came from the higher-ups. All Scout activity is to be halted and we're to hand over Eren, Akira, and Historia."

At the mention of Eren and Historia's name, the eldest Jaeger stiffened. She didn't care about herself, but Eren was in every right just as much her child as he was her brother. She raised him and she wouldn't let anything happen to him.

Levi must have sensed her unease, for he grabbed her hand. "You three will be alright."

She nodded absentmindedly. "I know. I trust your judgment."

Still holding her hand, he turned to face her. His free hand brushed her cheek and Akira closed her eyes. "You'll be safe, Kira. I promise."

She moved forwards and kissed him softly. "I know. It's just ... nerves ."

Akira felt useless in the wagon as she sat next to her brother and across from Historia. She couldn't help but feel guilty about Jean, Sasha, and Armin taking their place, but it was simply part of the plan.

Besides her, Eren was voicing his own doubts and instinctively her hand reached for her nearest knife. She had two secured in her bra, two per shoe, and as many as she could safely and discreetly fasten to her hips and legs.

She had, to her displeasure, removed the sound tuners Hange had made for her own safety, which is why she was the first to act. Akira lunged for the rifle. It made a clicking sound as she loaded, but the Titan shifter ignored that and instead focused on the sound of ODM gear.

A gunshot. Everything was ringing after that. She reloaded and fired again. As she went to take the third shot, something collided with her neck. Shit was her last thought before everything faded to black.

Levi tilted his head towards the gunshots and instinctively his heart skipped a beat. He shook his head as he continued to twist and turn through the sky. As much as he would like to, he couldn't focus on that. With her enhanced hearing, they could just as easily come from her gun as one of theirs. Akira might not have even been near the shooting. Focusing on whether or not she was injured — or worst, dead — would only distract him.

He took a deep breath as he twisted the bottle so he could see his uncle's reflection. There was no time to think. Bam! He listened to the thunk of Kenny flying backwards and grabbed a chair as he hopped the bar.

Levi didn't care about the damage he was causing or the lives he was taking. All that mattered was her and the promise he made.

He was close now. So close he could almost touch her. Levi growled as he glanced over his shoulder. Now if only this lady would stop chasing me...

His heart clenched as he held back Mikasa. Levi wanted to go after her, of course, he did, but they had to regroup and wait. Pursuing without a plan might just get someone killed.

I'll get you back, Levi promised as Mikasa screamed for Eren and Akira in his arms. I promise.

Wipe them out~Levi x ocWhere stories live. Discover now