Where the left arm went

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(A/n: It is still in Akira's p.o.v. for now.)

I let out a groan as I hear a voice talking besides me. 'I'll kill them all.'

I open my green eyes. "What?" What's going on? Why can't I...how did I get here? I must have shifted. What happened after that?

I turn my head slightly to come face to face with...no. He's dead!


He blinked once. Then twice. A gasp left his lips as he took in the situation. Soldiers with shaky hands had their weapons drawn on us, ready to go in for the kill at any moment now. I slowly try to stand before collapsing onto the stone floor with a 'thud.'

"Eren, we're going to be ok." I can see it on his face. He doesn't know what is happening. I didn't either the first time.

"Answer very carefully, Eren and Akira Jaeger. What are you? Human or titan?"

I shout back an answer. "We're human!"

Seconds later, Eren speaks up. "I'm sorry sir, I don't understand!"

The fear of the soldiers was understandable. But if they weren't very very careful, they were going to be met with the force of Mikasa Ackerman.

I slowly stand up. "Mikasa, don't risk your life for us."

"Wait, what's going on?" Eren's question goes ignored.

"Mikasa, Kira's right! You can't fight against humans!"

"Whoever messes with my family messes with me. I'll take on the entire regiment if I have to."

Again, the question is asked. "Human or titan?"

This time, Eren answers. "I'm human!"

A dark look crosses over his face and I feel myself grow paler. Our answer didn't change his response. Cannon fire.

Mikasa calls out for us, trying to get us to run.

"Wait no!" I called out Eren's name as he ran towards Armin. Mikasa and I got dragged along towards him.

There was a boom and a flash of light. When I opened my eyes again, I was protected by a rib cage. I grab the discarded blades before starting to climb Eren's attempt to protect us. With one slash, his arm is free.

"Come on, we have to go!"

Eren nodded. "Yeah, I can see that."

"I know I have some explaining to do, and I don't even understand all of it. Right now, we have to check on a Mikasa and Armin and get out of here."

Eren, Mikasa, and Armin sat in a circle as Eren tried to explain what little he knew. I kept watch.

"Whatever we do...we better do soon. The garrison regiment will fire again soon, and if the scouts get back, we don't stand a chance to escape." They glanced at me and I shrugged. "Unless if you want to fight Captain Levi, by all means, don't let me stop you from being brutally torn appart."

Eren shuddered at the thought. After all, Captain Levi was the only one skilled enough to join the Scouts without having to do three years of military training.

"That's what I thought. Though, I suppose it's up for Armin to decide."

"I-I don't understand. Why would you trust me to make such a major decision?"

"Because, you always have a level head. You don't give yourself credit for all the times you've helped us."

"What? When did I do that?"

This time Eren tried to explain. "Five years ago, if you hadn't gone to Mr. Hannes for help, we would've been eaten by the titans."

Armin let out a gasp as the titan skeleton behind him cracks.

"Now or never."

He stood up, his bangs falling into his face. "I'll do it. I'll persuade them. Just act as non-agressive as you can, ok?" All three of us nodded at him. He'll do it. I know he'll find a way. Turning swiftly on his heels, he walked confidently towards the garrison. His ODM gear hit the ground with a metallic clang.

"Is this supposed to be your true form, monster? I don't buy it! I'm not afraid to give the signal to fire!" But you are afraid to think rationally, I think to myself.

"Eren and Akira are not foes to humanity! We're willing to cooperate with military command and we'll share everything we've learned about their powers!"

"Your pleas fall on deaf ears! They showed their true form and because of that threat, they can't leave here alive! If you insist that they aren't our enemy, show me proof."

I glance at Eren. "You know, maybe fighting Captain Levi wouldn't be that bad."

"Shut up, I'm trying to pay attention to Armin's speech."

I scoff slightly in response. " Just saying, at least that would be fast."

"You don't need any proof. The matter of the fact is it doesn't matter what we perceive them to be. The report says hundreds of shoulders saw them. And there are those who say they saw them fighting other titans. And that means they say them get swarmed by other titans as well. To put it plainly, the titans recognized them the same way they see humans. As their prey! It doesn't matter how else you look at it! It's an irrefutable fact."

The courtyard went silent before the whispers started. As the whispers got louder, so did the anxiety building up in the chest of the Captain.

"Prepare to attack! The behavior of titans has always gone past my comprehension, but I wouldn't put it past them to assume human form. They are speaking our language in an attempt to deceive us!"

I sighed. It was over. I stood up and checked my odm gear. No use. It was broken. If I transform, I could clear the wall. But my neck would be wide open.

I guess fighting the old fashioned way would have to do. But it never came to that thanks to Commander Dot Pyxis.

Wipe them out~Levi x ocTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang