Hear their heartbeats

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(A/n: This chapter is going to be in Akira's point of view. At top is a quick animation I made of Akira as a titan. Also, should I start to make Attack on Titan crack videos? I already got some pretty cool ideas for one.)

I paused for a moment. Did I really want to do this? What if I lose control? I shook my head. What was I thinking? I had to avenge my brother.

I bit into my hand and I smile slightly as the transformation starts to happen. When I opened my eyes, I was easily as tall as a house. I could hear the others asking what had just happened, but I don't care.

I approach the nearest titan from behind. By the time he starts to turn around, he's already on the floor, dead. I let out a satisfied roar before moving to my next target. I pull one of Annie's moves. In seconds, it's on the ground, confused. I turn it over, biting it's nape and spitting it out. This continued as such for about five minutes before I heard yelling. I turn to see my friends swarming headquarters. Mikasa must have put herself on charge.

I can cover them. I finish off the titan I am fighting before changing my corse. Eren's dead. I won't let his friends follow him. My left hand reached up to cover my neck as I drew nearer. They'll want to fight me too. I don't think either of us could afford that right now.

I pause momentarily. Three coming from the left. Got it. I circle around them before creeping up behind the first one. I jump into the air. My right foot lands low on one building and I extend my leg. I launched myself to the building on the other side of the street. Please let my legs be long enough. My left foot collides with the building as I grab on with one hand. Please work. My entire body was now looking down at the titan below me who was starting to turn. Now! I leap into the air, my entire body spinning around a sharp 360 degrees before I deliver a brutal kick to the nape of his neck. KO! I stomp on it once or twice more before I was satisfied.

Ok, I have got to remover that move.

I turn the corner before I run straight into another titan. Something is different about him. He smells familiar.

I back up a bit so I could see . Eren? Oh my god, he's alive!

"Mikasa!" Eren and I snap our heads in that direction. We glance at each other before running towards our friends. Eren punches it in the face and I lift Mikasa onto the roof. I let out a roar before charging. Time and time again, my foot collides with its skull.

Both Eren and I get into a fighting stance as another approaches. One punch and its head goes flying. Next target. Then the next. One by one, we many made our way to head quarters.

Eren took left I took right. Bam bam bam! Every time I took one down, I let out a satisfied roar.

Some were small. Some were big. It didn't matter. None stood a chance. We know battle strategy. They don't. It's as simple as that, in the end. We were fine for a while. That is, until we got outnumbered.

If I had known how painful it was to be eaten alive, I most likely would never have even considered joining the Scouts. It was like no pain I had ever experienced and it was simply indescribable.

All of a sudden, Eren rushes forwards, and bites the neck of an abnormal and I follow suit. I attack one approaching him from behind and rip his head off. That was the last thing that happened before we both collapsed.

Wipe them out~Levi x ocWhere stories live. Discover now