"What?" Joy lifted her head.

"It's when you like guys and girls." Beomgyu angrily explained.

Joy dropped her phone onto the table.

"You can't be bisexual. You've never dated one guy. Ever!" Joy argued back.

"That doesn't make a difference if I dated any guys or not." Beomgyu shot.

"Being bisexual is disgusting. Who would you even date?" Joy clutched her phone.

"I don't know!" Beomgyu yelled.

A few of the costumers had turned their heads to look at the argument happening.

"Exactly! So you're not bisexual! Stop making excuses Beomgyu. You can't even ask a guy out!" Joy shouted.

"That's 'cause I never had the courage to ask anyone out, I didn't even want to ask you out in the first place. I just felt bad that you had nobody to talk to." Beomgyu hissed.

Joy's mouth dropped open.

"You're lying." She said.

Beomgyu shook his head in anger.

"No I'm not."

Joy bit her lip as she felt hot tears stream down her face.

"Then what was the point of even talking to me in the first place." She quietly whispered.

Beomgyu stood up.

"Because you weren't a bitch back then." He said walking away.

"Wait!" Joy clutched onto his hoodie sleeve.

"What?" Beomgyu growled.

"How am I going to pay for the food?" She asked wiping away her mascara filled tears.

"You didn't bring money?"

Joy shook her head.

Beomgyu bit his lip and threw Joy his wallet.

"There. Now leave me alone."

Beomgyu stormed out of the restaurant leaving Joy behind with his wallet.

He walked to the nearest bathroom and sat down. Tears ran down his cheeks as he stuffed his face in his knees.

Beomgyu sat in the last stall crying for a good fifteen minutes before pulling out his phone and dialing Taehyun.


"Hi it's Beomgyu, c-can you pick me up? I'm at the mall. The one we used to always go to remember?"

"Sure, I'm close by so I'll be at the parking lot in like five minutes. Is that okay?"

"Yeah, that's f-fine."

"Are you crying."


"Okay. Anyways I'll be there. See you soon Gyu."


Taehyun was the first to hang up and Beomgyu threw his phone across the bathroom floor and sighed.

He stood up and dusted himself before picking up his phone and walking out of the bathroom.

Beomgyu quickly ran to the other other side of the mall and exited the building. He sat down on one of the benches crisscrossing his legs.

After a few minutes he saw Taehyun's car.

Beomgyu practically ran and jumped into the passenger seat.

Taehyun gasped.

"Are you um, okay?"

Beomgyu nodded.

"I'm fine."

Taehyun nodded raising an eyebrow.

"Where to?"

"Can we go to your house?" Beomgyu asked.

And with that the two boys started to drive to Taehyun's house.


<3 Yeah I don't even know what to say. <3

Letters | Taegyu | CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now