chapter 9: Phase 4

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~Hello and welcome to another chapter:) hope y'all are enjoying it so far~


"Is she dead its been two days."

Groaning I open my eyes looking around me to see the room almost full. Sitting up I notice that I'm in Hisoka's lap. "This joker will be the death of me." I wiggle out of his arms and try to standup ending up falling on my knees. I huff and try another five times before I stop. I look around the room again seeing a table with food. Looking at the food I feel my stomach growling loudly and blush in embarrassment. I attempt to stand up again finally managing to stay standing. Slowly I wobble over to the food grabbing some fruit and water. I carefully head back over to Hisoka and sit down beside him offering him some of the fruit. He smiles and takes a strawberry and we eat in silence while the rest of the room stares at me in shock.

"What about me?" teases a robotic voice. I look over to see him a couple feet away smiling eerily. I stick my toungue out and throw a strawberry his way that he surprisingly catches in his mouth. I grin and go back to eating ignoring the shocked stares on me. I glance at the clock to see we have a little less than 10 hours left. Glancing at the food table I feel my stomach growl again wanting more after almost three days of not eating. Sighing I try hard to stand up and fall back landing in Hisoka's lap. "Even my legs are against me." Blushing I try to get up only to be yanked back down. Frowning I turn to look at Hisoka to see him looking at Illu- Gittarackur. Gittarackur stands up heading towards the table grabbing a bowel filling it with food bringing it over to Hisoka and I. Quickly I grab the bowel and scarf down half of the food in it. Hisoka chuckles taking the bowel out of my hand setting it down beside us. I yawn surprised that I'm still tired after sleeping two days. Hisoka toghtens his arms around me tucking me into his chest. I tty to protest but give in and fall into a deep dreamless sleep.

"Kurapika is the 20th to pass. time elapsed 71 hours and 59 minutes."

I jump up and run over tripping and falling a couple times.

"You made it! I knew you would but next time dont cut it so close," I say hugging all of them but Tompa. I feel a pair of eyes boreing into my back and turn around to see Hisoka glaring at Leorio and Kurapika.

"(y/n) why is Hisoka looking at you like that?" Gon questions. I freeze not knowing how to answer and look at Killua for help.

"He's looking at her cuz shes so loud and annoying," he says doing his cat face. I glare but decide to let it slide this time. Gon nods accepting the answer gladly. Creeak. creeaak. Looking over I see the broken doors trying to open and blush knowing it's my faukt they're broke.

"What happened to the doors?" questions the mushroom girl.

"(y/n) over there decide to rip them open," Hanzo responds.

I glare at him hoping I get him for the next round. Sighing I walk over to the struggling doors and concentrate on what made me lose control before and using it to make myself boil again. Slowly I pull the doors apart opening them as wide as my arms reach. Behind me I hear several gasps and a chuckle. "Who's the child now?" With my Cheshire grin on I walk through the doors heading over to Lippo. Lippo seems uneasy with me there I guess he saw what I did to his tower. As the others arrive he explains the rules and calls us forward by the order we finished. I watch Hisoka and Gittarackur walk forward to grab their cardsand step forward to grab mine. I wait for everoyne to get done and when he says to remove the sticker I do to see that I've drawn 16 Tonpa's number. "This will be fun." We get on to the ship heading for the island. Walking towards the side of the ship I feel a cold and hard arm wrap around my waist. Glancing up I see Hisoka glaring at the others and dragging me off towards Gittarackur. "I made him jealous? Oh my God this can't be happening." Blushing I try to wiggle out of his arm to no avail. Finally we land on the island and the overly happy lady starts calling us to disembark. Hisoka saunters off soon followed by Gittarackur and finally me. As soon as I get off I find a hiding spot in the trees to wait for Tonpa. After almost an hour of waiting he finally gets off and starts to walk not caring if he gets jumped or not. Smiling I follo him waiitng for him to slipup. Not to for in he stops sitting down in front of a tree and waits for monkey man to showup. He closes his eyes and lays back not paying attention to anything. I smirk and make sure my tag is hidden under my needles and knives before going to him. Exactly as I thought the monkey dives down and tries to grab my tag only getting cut in the proscess. Throwing the monkey towards Tonpa I run and grab his tag while he's ditracted by the panicking and clawing monkey. "That was easy." Running off I hide the tag in my other pocket covered as well. Eventually I stop to listen and scan the area around me before I walk into a little clearing seeing some butterflies. I walk towards a tree and climb it so I can see if anyone walks up. Looking around I feel a pair of eyes on me turning to see yellow eyes peeking through the leaves. Surprised I yelp and jolt managing to fall off my branch plummeting towards the ground. I close my eyes waiting for an inpact that never comes. Opening my eyes I realize that Hisoka caught me and his face is inches from mine. Blushing I yank my gaze away from his mouth and mumble thanks trying to squirm out of his arms. Hisoka doesn't respond or let go. He reaches up and turns my face back towards his. Slowly he leans in and kisses me. "Holy crap I'm kissing Hisoka. Killua and Kurapika will kill me. Illumi too probably." He pulls away and sets me down quickly stepping away. I reach my hand up brushing my lips with my fingers. Hisoka smirks and starts to walk away. I quickly snap out of it and follow him heading towards the clearing he sat in while Gon watched. I grin at the memory and head to sit by the tree only to be yanked back by Hisoka. He smirks and pushes me agaisnt the tree blocking me in with his arms. Slowly he leans down and stops an inch from kissing me only to pull back nuzzling in my neck instead. "I really hope Gon isn't seeing this." Hisoka leaves little kisses and hickies from my chin down to my shoulder then backs away sititng down by the tree trunk. Blushing and confused I stand there wondering what the hwck just happened. I sit down about a foot away and grab my bag looking for paper and a pencil to draw with. Gladly I find it thanks to the remote which apperntly provides whateevr I search for. I pull out a little sketchbook and a pencil and start to draw a butterfly. I keep drawing things until it turns night and I no longer can see. Sighing I put the paper away and dig out two snack bars tossing one at Hisoka and eating the other. I lay bay staring at the stars until I fall asleep. Im awoken hours later by the dying man with the spear yelling. Quickly I jump out of the way and stand off to Hisoka's left. Illu- Gittarackur shows up killing the man and taking his tag. He takes out his needles and digs his hole.

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