Chapter 1: the Beginning

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      I'm walking home lost in thought thinking about school. Halfway there I get bored and pull out my phone plugging in my headphones. I put the right one in and let the left dangle. I turn on my movie app and click on my favorite anime show, hunter x hunter. *sigh* 'I wish I could go somewhere fun like in hunter hunter' i think. I keep walking not paying attention to my surroundings even when I reach my doorway. I gasp as I suddenly trip over a little box. Catching myself on the door I pause the first hunter hunter episode and bend over grabbing the little box. The box is small and plain looking like it holds a phone but not looking like a normal phone box. Curious I bring the box inside shutting the door behind me. I walk to the kitchen and grab the pair of scissors I keep there for things like this. I glide the blade through the tape opening the box and pull out some foam and tissue paper. Underneath the paper and foam I find a small remote that looks like a phone. I turn it over in my hands and find a on and off switch sliding it over. Surprisingly the remote comes to life and words flash across the futuristic screen.
Welcome to Fantasy World, the       dream world at the touch of your fingertips.

"Fantasy World?" I think. hmmm. I click a blinking blue button and feel static electricity rushing through my body as my kitchen dissolves around me into a blinding white room. Startled I let go of the remote expecting it to crash to the floor and break. Instead it floats in front of me flashing more words.

Welcome to the fantasy control room. Type in the fantasy world you wish to go to.

I eagerly grab it and start typing hunterxhunter. I watch as the wall in front of me slowly darkens to a boat being thrashed around in stormy seas. The remote lights up again.

Please choose the outfit you wish to wear. You can change this at any time.

I scroll through the list of clothes debating between a fuzzy bear hoodie with matching leggings, a little backpack, and sneakers (image at top) , and a crop top hoodie with the pocket, a short matching skirt over fishnet leggings, also with a small backpack, and matching high heeled boots.

"Hmm what should I choose? I think I'll go with the fluffy bear hoodie today" I think to myself. I click the first outfit and watch in awe as my clothes slowly change. slightly worried I check to make still I still have my bra and udnerwear on and let out a relieved sigh when I do. The remote flashes one more time saying have fun as the wall with the ship comes closer and clsoer very fast. I flinch and close my eyes waiting for an impact that never comes. I only open my eyes after I start to hear water rushing and feel thw ground under me sway. I look around me and see that I landed inbetween a very scared looking leorio and a calm Kurapika. "Oh no," I whisper.

End of first chapter hope you enjoyed it:) let me know if there is anything you'd like for me to change!

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