chapter 7: Phase 2 do over

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~Hello readers hope you are enjoying the story so far comment any ideas you guys have enjoy the end;)~


I look up at the exam blimp seeing chairman Isaac Netero falling downward crashing into the ground. Bam. I study the crater ignoring everyone around me until I hear my name. I snap towards the direction of the voice looking at Menchi and the chairman who is having trouble keeping his eyes on her face. I glare and send a tendril of anger towards him causing him to look up at me. He sees me glaring and turns back to Menchi making sure to keep his eyes on her face. I smile satisfied and walk towards Gone examining the arm I twisted. I wince seeing the marks where my fingers and nails dug in. I lightly grab it wondering if i can control the power and undo the damage I caused. I concentrate ignoring the gasps and looks around me as I let power consume me focusing it on the marks watching them turn pale pink. Chink. I jolt away and look down at my feet seeing a Queen of diamonds card. "If he keeps this up I'll have my own deck at this rate," I think as I pick up the card. I turn it over in my hands seeing a showy cursive writing on the back.

Don't waste that precious power little fruit~♤

I glare and stuff the card in my pocket with the other one. I turn and look at everyone around me seeing shocked looks from Menchi and Netero. I smirk and walk towards Hisoka. "Can I just have my Joker back since you insist on throwing cards at me?," I ask with my cheshire grin. Hisoka looks startled but quickly hides it under a pleased look. I mentally curse myself and my mouth knowing what he's gonna say.

"Didn't you read the note? You get your card after I get what I want,~" he purrs looking me over showing his intent. I blush furiously and spin on my heel hurrying back towards Gon ignoring the snickers and whispers. Netero and Menchi talk a little more then we begin to board the airship. I rush to a window pressing my nose and palms against the glass. Gon and Killua join me as we head towards split mountain. We land a few hours later and I quickly disembark. A little to quickly as I trip and roll down to the ground. I grumble and pick myself up dusting off. I look back and see everyone trying to contain their laughter including Menchi. I grin and decide to say something.

"You can laugh you know. I wont chuck a card at your heads if you do," I say looking at Hisoka grinning mischievously. He looks me up and down making me feel exposed again. I glare at him and look at the others. "Menchi come on tell us what we're supposed to do I'm excited," I say quickly while slightly bouncing. She smiles and walks down to me and turns to the others explaining the task. Many gasp in disbelief and watch her as she dives over the edge grabbing an egg and being lifted up by the winds. A few try to dive but I decide to stop them before they dive to their deaths. "Stop you idiots you're gonna die!" I yell quickly effectively stopping them in their tracks. They look at me confused and Menchi sighs relieved and gives me a look of thanks.

"The winds don't happen all the time if you were to of jumped you would have fell to your deaths," Menchi explains slowly. I step towards the edge looking down curiously. As I'm lost in thought I feel a slight push and spin to see The sumo wrestler from earlier behind me. I gasp and yelp as I fall quickly grabbing one of the webs. I squeak being scared of the height. I feel my fingers slipping knowing I'm bout to fall. I force myself to calm down and focus on the air hoping to feel a breeze. Plink, plink, plink. Holding on with one finger I know I can't wait any longer. I let go and fall. I feel the air rushing past and I grab one of the eggs as I barrel towards my end. I close my eyes waiting for the impact only to feel myself going back up. I open my eyes and grip the egg tighter focusing on the ledge above me. I shoot above it and quickly flip towards it landing on my back hard. I lay there sputtering catching my breath. After I can breathe again I get up calmly taking my egg to the big pot and dropping it inside. I then walk over to the verman that dared push me. I grab his ponytail pulling my card out and chop it off dropping it at his feet. He's to shocked to even react even as I walk away heading towards Gon. He finally reacts and starts yelling saying how dare I touch his hair. I feel my control slipping and everyone can see it as I wrap my arms around myself tightly; trying to stay calm. The guy keeps on yelling louder and louder until I have enough. Gritting my teeth I turn towards him narrowing my eyes to mere slits. He stops knowing he went to far. Slowly I start stalking towards him and am only stopped by a cold hand wrapping its slender fingers around my upper arm holding on tightly. Twisting my body around I look into his yellow eyes putting my other hand on his face rubbing his star off his left cheek and using one of my darts to etch a bloody star in his skin. He shows no reaction except his grip tightens bruising my arm. I growl and try to pull away further hurting my arm. Hisoka pulls me in wrapping his arms around me holding me against his chest. I beat my fists against his chest and thrash around until I eventually calm down. I close my eyes resting my head against his chest relaxing into his arms. Hisoka releases me and I take a step back looking at the ground.

"Thank you. Again," I say grudgingly. Hisoka nods and I turn and head back towards Gon. Menchi and Netero herd eveyone else towards the ledge to get their eggs while I head to the boiling pot watching my egg.

*Baby timeskip*

We head onto the blimp once again heading to phase three. Netero tells us we have 8 hours to do as we please. Many contestants head towards rooms to sleep while others head for food. I hurry to snag some food and take a plate wondering aroudn for a room. I see Killua and Gon ttying to get the ball from Netero and smile watching them for a moment before I continue walking. "Finally peace and quiet and sleep," I think as I slip into a room. WRONG. OF COURSE I CAN'T HAVE A ROOM TO MYSELF. I glare at the two occupying the room I walked into. I huff and head towards the bathroom with my food to keep it safe. I shower washing off the blood and dirt sighing from how good the water feels. Click. "HISOKA DON'T EVEN GET YOUR ASS BACK OUT THAT DOOR AND DON'T YOU DARE TOUCH MY FOOD" I yell loudly. I hear something unexpected.

"I'm not Hisoka." (id love to end it here but nah ill keep going for y'all). Why of all people did HE have to come in. I groan quietly shutting the water off. Peeking my head out from behind the curtain I look to see Illumi out of his disguise with his shirt open. "Don't ogle dont ogle dont ogle. Just a peek." I look over him quickly and look for my bag realizing he has it in his hand and both of the towels that were in the bathroom when I came in.

"Please put either the bag down or one the towels," I say as sweetly as possible. He tilts his head as if considering then turns towards the door.

"Hisoka said you owed him something and wouldn't be needing these," he says as he walks out the door. "SHIT WHY DIDN'T I JUST LEAVE THE ROOM." After he leaves I look at the curtain hoping it comes off somehow. I yank at it using all of my weight to no avail. Sighing I climb out looking around for anything I can use to cover up finding nothing not even a washcloth. Filled with rage I give in and yank open the door forgetting my nakedness and stalk towards Hisoka and Illumi. Looking around the room I spot my bag and the towels near the door. I stomp over bending over to yank open my bag grabbing the first outfit I find. A (f/c) croptop hoodie with the pocket, short matching miniskirt with black fishnet tights, and highheeled (f/c) boots. I grab lacey (f/c) bra and panties and quickly straighten up and get dressed besides the boots for now.

"You look good bent over~" Hisoka purrs. I spin and glare digging through my bag trying to find my weapons. "Gone? Ugh Illumi must have them" Glancing up I glare at Illumi seeing him looking at my stuff.

"GIVE THAT BACK YOU THIEVES!" I shout not caring who hears anymore. Illumi looks at me tilting his head and SMIRKS. I see red. I let the anger pour out losing control yet again. Hisoka jumps up coming towards me. Bang. His back hits the wall hard when I push him slamming him into it. My eyes narrow to slits. I lightly trace the star smirking at his little flinch. Chink. I look down seeing one of Illumi's needles sticking out my arm. The pain helps to clear my mind. Slowly I move away from Hisoka and calm down heading towards one of the bunkbeds. Carefully I grab the needle and pull it out as slow as possibly lightly tossing it towards Illumi. I sigh and look at Hisoka and Illumi."Sorry," I mumble quietly. Hisoka laughs and Illumi merely tilts his head. I roll my eyes and yawn feeling tired. I decide to just lay down. Right after I get my weapons back. "Illumi can I have my weapons back please?" I ask hopefully. He thinks for a few long seconds before he throws them all at me. Yelping I catch them quickly and stuff one knife in each boot by the bed and the rest in my bag. The needles and blowdart go in my pocket. the little crossbow goes in my pocket as well. My eyes narrow slightly when I realize Hisoka took his cards back AGAIN. I glare at him and he holds up 3 cards. The Queen of Diamonds, Queen of Hearts, and the Joker. I groan and flop back onto the soft and warm bed. I sigh and roll onto my stomach covering up and laying on the feather soft pillow. I feel cold arms wrap around me wondering who this time as I drift off into a deep dreamless sleep.


~Im really wordy sometimes hope you guys love it~

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