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-Deans P.O.V-
'She said she loved me back... I don't think I've ever heard that come from any girl I've ever been in a 'relationship' with. And by relationship I mean one or two nights of sex, but me and y/n haven't even had sex yet... well, we got close but Cas interrupted. But the strange thing is I usually have a 'relationship' just for the sex, but now it's not like that. I just love being around her... I love her.'
I'm pulled out of thoughts as y/n shifts in her sleep. Her legs twist and tangle in mine as her arms wrap around my back, one of her wings draped over the both of us and the other laying across the bed. Her wings are so soft and beautiful, even with the wounds that are healing quickly. I reach out my hand and stroke the sensitive feathers at the base of the wings gently. She tenses slightly in her sleep before relaxing into the touch. She still gets scared when I touch them, probably having flash-backs to Crowely's disgusting torture. But after a second she always remembers my warm and caring touch. she sighs in content, her wings rubbing against my hand. She moans quietly as I slip my fingers through the downy feathers, scratching them lightly with my fingernails. Her hands grip the back of my shirt and pull at the fabric as her legs curl around my hips. For a moment I think she is awake, but her slow breathing and slight snores say differently. I slowly run my fingers through the feathers again, getting another moan from her mouth. 'I think she likes this' I say to myself with a smirk. I move my hand to the middle of her wing and do the same thing, pushing a little harder to get to the soft downy feathers beneath the slick, smooth ones.
"Dean." she gasps out quietly this time, pushing her hips down on mine, hard. I groan, pushing her hips away from mine. She still lays there, asleep. I don't even think y/n knows anything about sex, when we were kissing she seemed confused and surprised. She is so beautiful. I love the way her wings flutter when she is happy or excited, and her beautiful y/h/c hair flowing behind her when she runs. She is perfect. Her eyes open slowly, looking into mine. "are you okay, Dean?" She asks sleepily, running her hand over my stubble.
"Yeah, I'm fine sweetie, you should go back to sleep." I say, holding her close to me. She smiles into my shoulder as I play with her feathers.
"I love you, Dean." she says, kissing my neck gently. I smile, holding her closer to me.
"I love you too, y/n." I murmur, closing my eyes before slipping back into sleep.
~Your P.O.V~
Dean falls asleep, his chest rising and falling as he breathes. You stare at him, he is truly amazing. He is beautiful yet terrifying, his freckles making him look like a little boy, but the small scars reminding you he is a warrior. You run your hand over his chest, feeling his warmth from beneath his clothes. You shuffle a bit closer to him, curling into his warm body. His steady heartbeat lulling you to sleep.
------------NEXT MORNING-----------
You wake up, your wings stretching behind you. You no longer feel the pain. You look to your side, finding an empty mattress. Worry rushes through your body as you stand quickly. Your worry disappears once you hear off pitch singing come from down stairs. You smile lightly to yourself before walking over to your bag and finding all your clothes cleaned and folded neatly. 'Dean!' You think to yourself, smiling even wider. You throw on clean underwear and a bra before putting on one of Deans shirts you found on the floor and a pair of jeans. You make sure your wings stay close to your back, not wanting to rip into a perfectly good shirt. You walk out of the room, listening to Deans singing as you walk down the stairs.
"Hey y/n!" Sam says, laying back onto the couch, giving you a friendly smile. You run to him, sitting on the couch next to him.
"Sam! Are you okay? You didn't talk to me after..." Your voice trails off as you remember everything again.
"Y/n, I'm fine, I promise. I've been through a lot worse than that. And I did come to check on you, but you were asleep and I didn't want to wake you. Are you okay?" Sam asks, looking worried.
"Yeah, I'm fine." You say, giving him a reassuring smile. he smiles back, relaxing back onto the couch.
"Good morning, sweetie." Dean says from behind you, leaning over the couch and kissing your head.
"Good morning." you say, lifting your hands for him to take. He grabs them, bringing them to his warm mouth and kissing them gently.
"Did you sleep well?" He asks, walking around the couch and sitting in between you and Sam.
"Yeah, did you?" You ask, laying your head on his shoulder.
"Of coarse." he says, kissing your head once more. You smile, raising your head to face his. He looks worn out, probably from everything that's been happening. You feel the same way, you just want to relax. You stand, pulling him off the couch with you. You drag him outside and start walking. "where are we going?" He asks, squinting slightly from the sun.
"I thought we needed to relax." you say, turning towards him. He raises his eyebrows in a questioning way.
"How?" He asks, looking amused.
"We are going to take a shower."
AN: HEY GUYS!! Hope you liked this chapter! Sorry it was short, I will try to make the next one longer!! And as always, I LOVE YOU!!!

Hidden Angel (Dean winchester)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя