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You wake to the sound of voices down stairs, you sit up in bed and feel the muscles in your back ache, your hidden wings throbbing 'why not just let them go, they are not visible to humans anyway. And you know Castiel so you should not be afraid of him seeing' you think to yourself as you lift yourself out of the bed "better not" you whisper to yourself as you head down stairs wearing a black tank top and sweat pants.

"Good morning y/n!" you hear Dean say holding up a mug he must have found.

"G'mornin!" you say heading over to the bar where the boys sat. you went behind the bar to see coffee was already made. you pour yourself a glass and take a seat next to Dean, Dean smirks at you and you smile back. the bumps on your back still throb, it was becoming unbearable. you shift in the metal chair and try to relax your back, you suddenly all the pain is gone. you let out a sigh a take another drink of your coffee, unaware of the giant wings outstretched behind you.

"Ummm, y/n?" you hear Dean's voice say. you turn to him and raise an eyebrow in a questioning matter. he then points to the space behind you. you slowly turn to see your beautiful ebony black wings, their feathers crooked from being trapped under your skin for so long.

"HOLY-" you scream before jumping up. Sam and Castiel are also looking at you and your wings. "I.....I uh... how can you-" you stammer before Castiel interrupts.

"They are fully visible." he says walking towards you. he touches one of the feathers and you wince. he pulls away realizing your wings are sensitive. He pauses for a moment, thinking before he speaks up "I don't understand why they are visible, have you seen them before?" He says looking at you. you look into his eyes

"No, no I have never seen them since heaven, which was ages ago." you say looking at Sam and Deans faces, Sam's face was pure surprise. but Dean's shown awe and adoration as well as surprise. you look back at your wings trying to straighten out the crooked feathers but only making it worse. Cas still sat there brow in a scowl, thinking. Dean slowly moved towards you and reached out to touch your wings. you flinched away, not wanting to feel that pain you felt earlier when Cas touched them. Dean looked at you and his eyes told you it was okay. you tensed as he touched your feathers, fixing them into the correct angle. You relaxed into the touch, it felt good, it was like you had an itch and he finally scratched it.

"Doesn't that hurt?" Sam asks raising an eyebrow. you open your eyes not realizing you have closed them. you flick you eyes to Dean who is still fixing your feathers.

"No, actually, it feels good!" you say giggling a bit. Dean smiled as he kept fixing the feathers. Sam came over to you and slightly brushed against your wing. you let out a gasp that was more like a whimper. Your wings shot upward to get away from the touch.

"Wait, so if me and Cas touch your wings, it hurts. but if Dean touches them it doesn't?" Sam asks walking to a chair and sitting down.

"I guess, when Dean touches them it just feels like he's touching them, but if you or Cas touches them it feels like your stabbing them." You say looking at your wings, still shocked to see them again after so long.

"Can you see Cas's wings, y/n?" Dean asks inspecting one of the feathers.

"She can," Cas says looking at the ground "but most angels fold their wings down so other angels don't see them." he shifts a bit before relaxing, you can see two dark figures slowly sprout for his back. Sam and Dean look at him but do not see his beautiful wings stretch and flutter. you smile and he smiles back. he folds them back again and leans against a wooden beam. You look back again and see Dean has finished fixing your feathers. you lift up your wings to inspect the job, they look just like they did in heaven, you smile and look at Dean.

"Thanks." you say slightly folding them back down to your back.

"No problem!" he says patting your shoulder. You fold them back down, They did not go back to where they were not visible, but out of the way. You walked outside and looked at the small pond and smiled as you breathed in the fresh air, your wings slowly folded back out as you exhaled. you looked at them and saw small particles of dust and dirt, you tried to brush it off but there was to much.

"Need some help?" Dean asks walking to your side with a grin on his face.

"No, it's fine, I just didn't notice how dirty my wings were." you say sighing. you give up on trying to clean them.

"I can help you get them cleaned up, if you want." he says scratching the back of his head, you memorized this action, it's what most people did when they were nervous or embarrassed but why was he either of those, he asked just a simple question.

"That would be great, thanks Dean!" you say smiling. Dean walked to the wall of the barn behind you, he spun a small wheel on the lower part of the wall and picked up a hose attached to it.

"Here, turn around." Dean says.

You turn and spread your wings, you feel his hands smooth down them. you press into the touch. he removes his hand and you feel cold water replace his warm touch. he lightly scrubs in between your feathers and you relax into his calloused hands. he moves his hand from the top of your wings to the middle and you let out a small laugh. "What?" he says giggling.

"It tickles a bit!" you say laughing. he starts to move his fingers which makes you go into a laughing fit "Dean, Dean st- stop it!" you say almost screaming. once he stops you catch your breath while he laughs at you "i hate you, you jerk!" you say punching .him on the arm playfully.

"Okay, okay, I'll stop." he says raising up is hands In surrender. you shake your head and turn around, smiling. he starts rubbing the other wing, you hum lightly as he carefully cleans it. his hand leaves your wing and grabs your shoulder.

"What the-" you suddenly feel cold water pour over your head and soak into your clothes. "dean!" you scream out when you hear laughing from behind you. you turn and give Dean a disapproving shake of the head "oh, it's on now!" you say as you grab the water hose from his hands and spray him with it. he laughs as he blocks himself with his hands, his clothes already dripping wet.

"Oh my gosh, that's freakin' cold!" he shouts trying to get out of the stream of water.

"Yeah, sucks doesn't it?" you say still spraying him with water. he runs towards you and grabs the hose spraying you now. you scream, saying things you didn't even understand because you were laughing to hard. You grab the hose back when he was laughing and spray him again.

"Okay! okay! I give up" he screams smiling at you. you set down the hose and turn off the water. your clothes now soaked as much as his. he laughs bit before he strips off his soaking shirt, reveling his tanned skin and toned muscles. you feel a shiver go down your spine, but you don't understand why, perhaps it was because of the water?

"Well, that was fun!" you state as you sit on the ground.

"Yeah, that was pretty fun!" he agrees as he sits down beside you. you can feel his body heat radiating off of him.

"My gosh, your freakin' warm!" you say scooting closer to him, trying to get warm. he laughs as he looks to the tall grass in front of him. you both sit there like that for a while, drying from the sun.

"Hey, guys," you hear Sam say from behind you "what are you guys doing? you have been out here for like hours." Sam questioned wiping his hands on his shirt.

"Oh, just chillin." you say smiling at him. Dean nods and looks up at Sam.

"Well, if you want me and Cas made some sandwiches for dinner, if you wanna eat."

you nod and stand "yeah, sounds good!" you say heading inside, Dean short behind you.

Hidden Angel (Dean winchester)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن