Shattered Glass

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A loud thud wakes you. You rise off the mattress quickly, looking around the empty room. You must have fallen asleep after you ate last night. There's another thud followed by the sound of glass breaking this time. You jump out of the blankets and run to the door, opening it quickly.
"What's going on!?" You question loudly, looking down on the lower floor with a worried face. Sam and Cas keep their eyes on Dean, who is standing in the middle of the room, a broken glass at his feet, the light brown liquid dripping from the shards and the strong smell of alcohol in the air says it's whiskey. Dean looks up, anger on his face.
"Don't worry about it. It's fine." he shouts, his voice stern and mad. You look at him with confusion.
"Dean, calm down, there's no need to get angry." Cas say, holding his hands out.
"Just shut up, Cas." Dean says, shaking his head, his hands twitching slightly. Dean's not acting like himself.
"Dean I-" Sam sputters
"No, just... just stop talking." Dean interrupts. You look at Sam and Cas, their eyes filled with worry. Maybe he's tired, or just irritated because he dropped his drink. Dean stares at the broken glass on the floor, his breathing quick and shallow. You make your way down the stairs, walking slowly towards Dean. His eyes flick to you, anger visible behind them.
"Dean, it's okay." you whisper, bending down slowly and picking up the broken glass, your eyes never leaving his. "it's alright." you whisper, resting your free hand on his cheek gently. His face visibly softens, his body relaxing before he lets out a small sigh. You smile softly, covering up your fear. You've never seen him that angry.
"I-I'm alright... I'm okay." he mumbles, looking at Sam and Cas with sadness. "I'm sorry."
"Don't be sorry, Dean, it's okay." Sam says, shaking his head lightly. You nod, giving Dean a small smile before turning away, walking to the bar slowly, throwing the broken shards of glass into the small, plastic trash can. You turn back to the boys, a relaxed smile on your face even though you're terrified. What you just saw was not Dean. Dean looks at the floor, his eyes looking distant and empty.
"Alright, so..." Sam starts, awkwardly scratching the back of his head. "I'm going to take a shower, I'll be back later."
You and Cas nod, looking towards Dean for any kind of response, but his eyes are still on the wet spot on the floor, most of the liquid already absorbed into the dirt. Sam stares at his brother for a moment before turning and walking out of the big doors without a word.
"I-I'm going upstairs... I want to see if I can hear anything else from the angels..." Cas mumbles, his eyes flickering from you to Dean. You nod, giving him a small smile as he turns, making his way up the stairs slowly, his eyes trained on the steps. You stay still until you hear the door to the bedroom close.
"Dean?" you say, wishing your voice would have sounded less scared than it came out as. His eyes slowly coming out of their daze.
"Y-yeah?" He mutters, his eyes looking through you.
"You're... you're not acting like yourself." you stutter, shaking your head. "Are you feeling alright?"
Dean nods slowly, not sure of himself. "Of coarse, I'm fine." he says, his voice soft.
"No you're not." you say, worry thick in your voice. "tell me what's bothering you."
"What do you mean? I just told you that I'm fine!" Dean asks, his arms crossing over his chest, his eyebrows furrowed in anger and confusion.
"Every night," you gulp, he got angry fast "Every night you hold me close to you... you didn't last night. Last night I don't even remember you coming to bed!" You force out, tears threatening to spill out of your eyes. You've never yelled at dean before, and it scares you. Dean clinches his jaw, anger flaring to life behind his eyes.
"Well maybe I didn't want to come to bed!" He barks, making you cringe. You weren't expecting him to snap at you like that. You breathe heavily, trying to keep the tears back.
"And why is that?" You whimper, shrugging as a tear falls onto your cheek.
"Maybe I didn't want to hold you because I didn't want to see you!" He sneers, his hands clenching at his side.
Your world spins quickly. All the air in your lungs escaping in one breath. More tears fall from your eyes as you stand there silently, staring at the man you love. Your wings droop, sadness filling your head, your body paralyzed by his words.
"D-Dean." You whimper, your voice cracking as your knees buckle, your body almost falling to the floor. His eyes soften quickly and his hands unclench.
"Y/n..." He says quietly, his eyes coming back into focus and scanning over your body as he walks towards you slowly.
"No..." You whimper, your throat not allowing you to scream "No, stay away..." you cry out, pushing yourself backwards until your lower back hits the wooden wall of the bar, your wings curling around you
Why would he say that to you?
"Y/n, I-I..." he stumbles, his hand reached out.
"Dont touch me..." you sob, pulling away from him. His eyes sadden, looking at you with regret.
"I'm so sorry..." he mumbles, reaching for you. You sobs get louder, your shoulders shaking with the power of them.
Did he mean what he said? Did he not want to see you? To hold you?
You jump to the side quickly, away from his reaching hands, anger replacing your sadness.
"Get away from me." you snap, your wings spreading out to make yourself look bigger, more aggressive.
"No," you interrupt, tears still falling from your eyes even though you were scowling in anger "Don't talk to me." you manage to choke out, swallowing down sobs that try to escape your lungs. Dean looks at you, his face showing pain and sadness, which only makes more tears fall from your eyes and your body to shake more intensely from the silent sobs.
"Y/n, I didn't mean what I said, It wasn't... Me..." His voice trails of as it cracks. Tears form in his eyes as he looks at you. "I'm sorry."
You feel a sharp pain in your chest as your body sags slightly, your wings dropping to the floor.
You have to believe him.
"Dean I..." you whimper, your body still shaking. "I forgive you." Tears spill over Dean's cheeks as he walks towards you quickly, his arms wrapping around you tightly. You bury your face in his chest, letting all of your sobs go, your cries being muffled by his shirt.
"I'm so... so sorry." Dean whispers into your hair, kissing your head softly. Your wings curl around the both of you lazily, trapping you both in your own little world.
"You... you didn't mean it... it wasn't you." you whisper, repeating his words back to him and yourself. He swallows hard, nodding as his hands shake as he moves his fingers through your hair. Your heart still races, pumping cold blood through your veins. You want to believe he didn't mean what he said, but you still feel that he did.
"Do you promise?" You whisper, trying to find something that will ease your worry.
"Yes, I promise. I love you, I always will." he says, pulling his head away from yours and giving your lips a soft kiss, pulling away slowly with a small, sad smile.
You believe him.
You trust him and his word.
You love him.
"I love you too." you murmur, wiping at a tear of his cheek. He smiles, kissing you once more.
You need to figure out what's wrong with him.
"Hey, you guys alright?" Sam booms, walking through the barn doors, his hair still wet from his shower.
"Yeah, we're fine." Dean responds, pulling you closer to him on the couch. It's been at least twenty minutes since the tears stopped, but your face was still blotchy and red. Sam saw it almost instantly, but said nothing.
"Y'guys want a drink?" Sam questioned, walking over to the small cooler, his eyebrows raised.
"I'll take one, what about you y/n?" Dean asks, looking at you, sadness still visible in his eyes. You shake your head, you feel as if you might throw up if you drink any alcohol. Dean stands slowly, grunting and stretching before walking over to Sam, taking the beer from Sam with a small smile.
"I'm going upstairs to see if Cas has heard anything on angel radio." Dean exclaims, opening his beer with his hand while making his way up the stairs. Sam stands by the bar for a moment until he hears the door close and Cas and Dean talking to one another.
"Y/n," Sam says, making his way to the couch quickly, sitting beside you. You fall into him, tears steaming down your face once again, your body unable to hold them back any longer. He wraps his arms around you, trying to comfort you. "What happened?" Sam questioned, pulling away slowly, looking at you.
"I-it's Dean..." you say quietly, not wanting Dean to hear you upstairs. You look at Sam, shaking your head while staring into his eyes.
"What about him, y/n?" Sam asks, taking your hand in his. Sam is like the best friend you never had.
"It's Dean..." You start, sobs breaking through your voice. Sam waits patiently, looking at you with sad eyes. "There's something wrong with Dean." You whisper, looking at Sam with soft, sad eyes.
"W-what do you mean? What did he do to you?" He asks, looking at you closely. You shake your head, remembering what Dean said to you.
"He... He told me he didn't want to see me..." you murmur, looking down at your hands "And afterwords...H-he said it wasn't him who said it... And I'm-" Your voice cracks, your nose wrinkling as you think of his face while he was yelling at you. "He's not acting like himself." you blurt, looking up at Sam. Sam nods, looking at you.
"Yeah, Yeah I know." he mutters, looking away with a sigh. "I'm worried about him too."
"What should we do?" You ask, sniffling.
Sam sighs again, shrugging softly "I guess we wait."
You scowl in confusion, wrapping your wings around your shoulders to comfort yourself. "For what?" You question, Sam looking back at you quickly as the door upstairs opens, Dean slowly moving out.
"For him to tell us." Sam whispers, turning and standing from the couch. You nod in agreement, Hoping that it will work.
A/N- Hey! This is really late, and I'm sorry, I was grounded for like a week and a half... It was HORRIBLE!!! But it's all good now and I should update sooner this time around! Thank you so much for reading, it means the world! I LOVE YOU!

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