The barn

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"This is it?" Dean asks pointing to an old wooden barn with blue paint slowly chipping off.

You look at him while closing the backdoor of the impala "yes this is it, this is my old home." you say looking at it.

Sam looks at passing birds "but it's a barn in a field in the middle if the woods!" Sam says chuckling.

"Exactly" you say starting the short walk to the barn.

"But it's so old." Dean says picking at the paint on the barn doors.

"I know it's old, I lived here a long time ago." you say sighing slightly.

"How long ago?" Sam asks leaning against the wood.

"I started living here in the middle of the Great Depression, and I lived here for years after that." you say trying to get the rusted lock open.

"Wow, that was a while back!" Dean says looking up at the big doors of the barn.

You finally get the lock off the door and pull the door open. Most of the inside is empty with big wooden beams in the middle of the room. on the right side of the room is a couch, a coffee table, and a love seat. "that is the living room!" you say pointing at the dusty furniture. Dean spins in slow circles looking at the high ceiling above him.

"Is that a bar?" Dean says pointing to a old bar and metal chairs. you look at him with a smile and nod. "that's........AWESOME!" he says walking towards it. he finds some of the old alcohol and takes a sip. he smiles and looks at you and Sam, Sam shakes his head giggling. you look at a small staircase and point at it.

"Up there are the beds." you say making your way up the stairs. Sam and Dean follow behind you looking at their surroundings. you open the door slowly as it opens with a screech. In the very large upstairs bedroom are four beds, each with a nightstand and lamp beside them. On the far wall there is a giant window with a big door to open and close it. you open the screenless window and let in fresh air.

"This place looks pretty nice" Dean says with Sam nodding in agreement.

"It needs a little work though." you say kicking at the thick layer of dust and dirt.

"Well then let's get to work, shall we?" Dean says clapping his hands together. you head down stairs to get some cleaning tools from an old closet.

"Cas! where are you!" you scream throughout the new safe house.

"I'm outside!" you here cas say from a crack in the back door. you walk out to where Castiel is.

"What are you doing out here?" you say seeing him sitting on the ground.

"I just wanted to take in this beautiful scenery." cas says nodding towards the pond and woods. you smile at him

"It is pretty beautiful isn't it!" you say nodding

"yes it is y/n, but, what is that metal thing out there?" he says pointing to a metal structure.

"That's a water well, cas, it's what we use for fresh water." you say pointing towards the well lazily.

"Oh, ok." he says smiling.

you smile at him and slap his back "okay, well, we are about to start cleaning, wanna help?"

"I would love to help!" he says standing up quickly with a smile on his face. you smile at him and lead him inside where Dean is putting on an apron and Sam is putting on rubber gloves.

"Seriously, you look like housewives!" you say walking towards them.

"Well, what do you wear while cleaning?" Dean asks

"Defiantly not this!" you chuckle walking towards him. you untie the horribly done knot on the apron and help him get it off. he grins at you as you go to the closet and grab a broom and hand it to Dean "you sweep the floors." you say before turning to Sam "and you can mop once he is done, the mop should be in the closet." you say as Sam nods "and Cas you can help me clean the bedroom." you say walking towards the staircase with Cas following short behind you. once you are upstairs you start cleaning a bit until you hear 'living on a prayer' blaring through the barn from down stairs. you look outside the bedroom and see the impala parked in the middle of the barn with music coming from its open doors."seriously?" you shout over the music so the boys could hear, Dean looks up to you and nods with a small smirk on his lips. you look to Sam who is sitting on the bar singing with the music, you shake your head and laugh. you turn around and head back into the room where Cas is making one of the beds, you walk towards the other side of the bed and help him with the sheets. once you are done with all the beds you walk out the door to see Dean drinking a beer he must have gotten out of the impala and Sam moping the floor while lip syncing to AC/DC. "dean!" you shout over the music.

"Yeah?" he says taking a sip of his beer.

"I need the broom, where is it!?" you ask quietly giggling at Sam's dance moves.

"Yeah, it's over there!" he says pointing to the other side of the room. you roll your eyes and head down stairs with Cas still following you. you walk over the freshly mopped floor carefully and grab the broom.

"AHHHH!" Cas screams as he slips and falls on the floor. you look at Sam and Dean who are trying not to laugh.

"Cas...are you okay?" you ask trying to get the sentence out without laughing.

"Yeah I'm fine." Cas says trying to get back up but failing, he falls back on the ground which makes Dean lose control and start laughing. Sam starts laughing shortly after which makes you laugh. even though Cas was still on the floor he starts to smile a bit. you walk towards him and try to help him up but you fall trying to get him off the ground, you land on your back hard, the bumps on your back start to throb from the impact. you wince at the pain but cover it up with a smile. Dean walks up to you and Helps you up.

"Thanks!" you say giggling

"No problem!" he says helping Cas up. you rub the bumps on your back and they sting as you touch them. you grab the broom and head back upstairs, Cas, Dean, and Sam follow you. when everyone is upstairs you start sweeping the thick dirt and dust off the floor. Dean and Sam sit on the beds talking to each other about cases and the barn, Cas stares out the window, fascinated. When everything is done you put up the cleaning supplies and Dean pulls out beers for all of you.

"Well I have to admit, this place is pretty cool." Dean says looking at the high ceiling. You nod and take a sip of beer

"Yeah, we should be safe here." you say smiling to Dean.

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