The Revealing

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You twist the rusty door knob and pull open the door to see nothing but darkness inside. you pull out your gun from your bag as well as your flashlight. You drop your bag on the ground and walk into the abyss. You turn on your flashlight and look at your surroundings, there are a few desk and old chairs but nothing to show there was anything here. You keep walking and see footprints in the dust in front of you and you follow them. You hear a crashing noise ahead of you and then screaming. You run towards the sound, more sound comes from a door next to you, you kick open the door to find two werewolves inside. You easily kill them both and look at their bodies " I thought all that was here was demons? guess I was wrong." you say as you keep running towards the first sound you heard and find a door. You try to open the door but it won't budge, you back away from the door and kick it, this time it bust open, you see multiple dead bodies of vampires and djinn on the floor "what in the hell is going on in this place?" You say to yourself as you step over the bodies. You hear screaming from one side of the room. Suddenly all the lights turn on and you see Dean fighting off multiple monsters at once. You race towards one of them and kick them in the side, he turns to face you and you see it is a wraith.

" really?" You say as you take out your gun and shoot it in the heart. It looks at you with confusion and anger " silver, you ugly son of a-"

"Y/n?!" You hear dean scream from a few feet away, you look at him and see he is pinned down by a ghoul. You grab deans knife off the ground and decapitate it. You breath heavily as Dean gets off the floor.

"What?...why are you?.... Your a hunter?" Dean asks surprised.

"Yes." You say between breathes.

A man barges into the room "Dean!" He says as he gets closer to Him, you take out your gun and point it at the man, dean grabs your arm and lowers it

"He's my brother, no need to shoot him." Dean says looking at his brother.

Deans brother looks at you " who is she?"

"This is y/n, y/n this is Sam, my brother." Dean says pointing to each of you as he says your names.

You tip your head to Sam in a greeting manner and he does it back. Cas burst into the room with an worried look on his face, he walks over to the three of you and grabs Sam and Deans shoulder

"We need to get out of here, their coming." Cas says urgently pulling Sam and Dean with him.

"Hold on cas, what do you mean by ' their coming'" Dean says doing air quotations.

" All of them, multiple of each kind-"

"Just say what it is" Dean cuts him off

"The hybrids" cas says with a scared look on his face. As those two words were spoken, hybrids run into the room surrounding all of you in a circle.

"Well, we have guest, I see you have already made yourselves at home" the man says looking at the dead bodies.

"Crowley?!" Sam and Dean say at the same time

"That is my name, you morons!" Crowley laughs as he looks at you. You stare back at him. "Where did you get that blade? I must get one for myself." Crowley says to you as you look down to see your angel blade sticking out of your boot, you push it back down with your hand and keep looking at Crowley.

"What do you want Crowley!?" Sam shouts angrily. The hybrids around you snarl and growl.

"I want that thing deep inside your new friend here," he says pointing at you "then I might let you all go." He says smiling a bit. Your face starts to feel hot, he wants your grace.

"What are you talking about, she is just a hunter!" Dean says stepping in front of you.

"Oh you don't know, that's a surprise," Crowley says chuckling "why don't you tell them what you are." You are hot with anger and your heart was racing.

"What the hell is he talking about y/n?" Dean says confused and angry. You stare into Crowley's eyes still, you reach down and pull out the blade. Dean's eyes widen with surprise." You've killed an angel, y/n?!" Crowley laughs at Dean.

" No you idiot, she's a an-" Crowley was cut off by a screeching sound coming from one of the hybrids. You look over to the monster and it's skin is sizzling off, 'am I doing this?' you say in your head as you turn back to Castiel, he stares at you and you see a small smile on his lips.

"Y/n?" Castiel asks, you nod. you turn back to Crowley and smile, you turn to a big part in the crowd of mutants and hold out your hand, you form your hand into a fist slowly and they all fall to the floor in pain, in seconds they all lay on the floor dead. you turn towards the others now charging at you, you hold out a hand again, but this time they die instantly. you turn back to Crowley.

"Your turn." you say with a smile.

"I would hide if I were you." Crowley says before he disappears. You turn to Sam, Dean, and Cas. Dean looks confused and surprised, Sam just looks surprised as well, Cas just smiles at you, a tear runs down his face "y/n!" cas shouts happily as he walks towards you, you hug cas and it feels good to have your friend back. After you let go of cas, Sam and Dean looked at you and smiled.

"Well, looks like we have another angel on our side." Dean says with a laugh.

Hidden Angel (Dean winchester)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora