A case

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You wake up slowly, feeling empty sheets beside you "Dean?" you ask sitting up from the bed. you look around the room and see empty beds. you stand, walking quietly over to the door. you stand there a moment, listening for voices down stairs, but you hear nothing. you open he door and step out onto the stair case, looking for any of the boys. you see Dean cleaning the bar, humming to himself, his back turned towards you. you sigh in relief, looking to see if you can find Sam or Cas, but the only person there is Dean. you slowly walk down the stairs, making sure the floors don't creak and your wings don't slide across the wall. once down the stairs you tip toe towards Dean. you stand behind him and wait for the right moment to scare him. now that you are close enough to him you can hear he is humming 'hey Jude'. right as you were about to pounce on him he turns around and picks you up off the floor, spinning you in circles.
"Did you think you could really sneak up on me!" Dean asks setting you back on the floor gently.
"No! I wasn't trying to sneak up on you!" you say laughing.
"Oh really?" Dean says grinning at you, slowly pulling you closer to him by your arms. you nod smiling innocently, you stand on the tip of your toes and peck him on the lips and nose. he chuckles, turning back to the bar to keep cleaning.
"Where are Sam and Cas?" you ask looking around the barn.
"Oh," Dean says turning back around "they went to get supplies in the nearest town, we were running low on some things."
You look at the back of his head "why didn't you go?" you ask walking to stand beside him.
"Well," he sighs, turning towards you "someone had to stay here and make sure you were okay, and well, I wanted to stay here with you!" he says giving
You a smile. you nod smiling back to him.
"Okay, well what do you wanna do?" you ask stretching your stiff muscles and your wings.
"I thought we could go for a walk, I mean it feels good outside today, what do you think?" Dean ask rubbing his hands together.
"Sure, lets go!" you say punching his shoulder playfully "but let me get ready first." you say making your way back up the stairs. once inside the room you walk over to your bag and take out your jeans and throw them on before going back and feeling around inside of the bag until you feel a familiar cold object, your angle blade. You take it out and look at its shiny figure. you throw on your boots and shove the angle blade down inside of your right boot, completely hidden. you walk over to the wall where a small, broken mirror hangs and you look at yourself, you look better then you thought you did, your hair was unbrushed but it looked almost perfect. you smile at yourself before heading down stairs again. Dean stands from the couch and looks up at you.
"You ready?" Dean asks.
"Yep!" you say walking towards the door, Dean wraps his arm around your waste and walks out the door with you by his side.
You lay in the quite damp field with Dean beside you, the both of you looking up to the slightly cloudy sky.
"How long has it been since I have had a few days off?" Dean asks himself out loud. you turn your head and look at him, his eyes stay on the sky "I can't even remember the last time I did!" Dean says with a slight laugh. you smile at him and turn your head back to the distant clouds.
"Me neither," you say suddenly "I don't think I have really ever had a break. But I guess that's what happens when your a hunter, every second of your life is consumed by it."
"Is that why you're carrying your angel blade?" Dean ask motioning to your boot.
"Well, I keep it with me at all times. I guess it's just a safety precaution." you say lifting your knee and patting the cold silver blade within your boot.
"I understand," Dean says taking your hand in his "but when your with me, nothing bad will happen. Ever." you look up at him and see he is looking at you.
"Promise?" You ask, smiling at him.
"Promise." he says, lifting your hand and giving it a small kiss. You squeeze his hand slightly before looking at the barn in the middle of the field.
"I wonder what's taking them so long." you say sitting up.
"I bet Sam got lost, they'll be fine." Dean said shrugging it off. You sit up and stretch your wings behind you.
"Maybe we should head back so when they get here they won't freak because we aren't there." you suggest, still a little worried about Sam and Cas.
"Sure, why not, this ground is giving me a back ache anyways." Dean says sitting up and stretching his back. 'God, how did you make him this attractive?' You thought to yourself. Before Dean even put down his arms from stretching, you jumped on him, well it was more of your body doing it for you, YOU had no idea what was happening. you pushed against his side and kissed him, his soft lips brushed against yours slowly. he grabbed your arms and moved you closer to him, you now straddled his lap, your arms resting on his shoulders.
"Y/n....?" Dean says looking into your eyes. you lean down quickly and kiss him, moving your fingers in his hair. 'what are you doing!?' You ask yourself in confusion as a electric shock goes down your spine. he moves his hands to your back, resting them there, he then slides his tongue over your bottom lip slightly. you part your lips on his and let him deepen the kiss 'wow' you think to yourself 'how did I know what to do?'. His tongue slides over yours and you pull away, gasping for air.
"Wow Y/n, I didn't know you could...uh.... do that." Dean says breathing heavily.
"Me neither, it just happened, I'm sorry." You say blushing a little, shifting to get off of deans lap.
"Hey," Dean says grabbing your wrist "why are you saying sorry, that was amazing, y/n" Dean says, brushing his thumb on your cheek. you smile, giving Dean a quick peck on the cheek.
"Let's head back, hopefully they will be back soon." you say standing off of Deans lap, Dean stands with you "okay, let's go." Dean said, grabbing your hand and walking back with you to the barn.
~~~~two hours later~~~~
You hear the impala park outside of the barn, followed by the creaking of its doors closing and the heavy footsteps of Sam and Cas.
"Where the hell have you two been!" Dean asks, giving his brother a quick hug.
"Well, we got the supplies," Sam says with a sigh, falling onto the couch "then we hear people talking about some killings, like our kind of killings." Cas came over to you and sat beside you on the love seat.
"Wait, you mean like a case!" Dean asked, surprise in his voice.
"Yes, I believe it was a pack of those hybrids that Crowley has made." Cas says looking at Sam who nods in agreement.
"Are they looking for y/n?" Dean ask, moving towards you defensively.
"Maybe, we asked as many people as we could about it but we don't really have any strong evidence. but it is defiantly our kind of thing." Sam said, taking a beer out of a small bag he brought in with many others.
"If they are looking for y/n, they won't find us here, they were a few towns over but if we don't deal with them now it will become a problem later." Cas says taking off his trench coat.
"Okay, we will head out tomorrow and-"
"What! No you are defiantly not going!" Dean cuts you off "we will go and you will stay" Dean says looking at the ground.
"And why is that?" You ask all of them.
"Because you are the target, they will all be coming towards you and you might get hurt." Sam says shaking his head.
"There is always a chance of getting hurt, that's the just he life of being a hunter," you say standing up from the love seat "and if I stay here, what if they find me, I'm am more likely to be killed here alone." you say crossing your arms. The boys don't speak, they just sit there thinking. "I can help you guys, come on." you say whining a little.
"Okay, I get your point, you can come with us, BUT you have to promise me something," Dean says pointing at you like a child.
"Yeah, anything." you say
"Try not to get hurt." Dean says raising an eyebrow at you.
"Deal." you say holding out your hand for him to shake it, he grabs your hand and pulls you to him, giving you a kiss. He lets you go and gives you a wink. you walk back over to the love seat and drop down on it. "well, if we are going tomorrow we need some rest, all of us, so let's eat dinner and go to sleep." you say. the boys nod and unpack the
groceries, you get out some bread and meat and make simple sandwiches for each I the boys and yourself. you all eat in silence except for the slight small talk every now and then. "well," Dean says standing from the couch and dusting off his shirt "I don't know about you guys but I'm going to bed." he says walking towards the stairs tiredly.
"Me too." you, Sam, and Cas say in unison. you all walk up the stairs and crawl into bed. you stay beside Dean and crawl under the covers with him in his bed instead of your own. you cuddle up beside him and curl your wings around him, feeling his warmth.
"Goodnight guys." Dean says to the boys, they mumble goodnight to one another before they were dead silent, all you could hear was the wind and insects from outside and Deans breath. "goodnight, y/n." Dean whispers, kissing the top of your head.
"Goodnight, Dean." you say before drifting into deep sleep to the soft sound of Dean humming 'hey Jude'.

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