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"Credula vitam spes fovet et melius cras fore semper dicit." -Tibullus

Credulous hope supports our life, and always says that tomorrow will be better.

"Brett, please wake up..." Eddy whispered, running his hands through Brett's hair.

"Shhh, we could still sleep... We have nothing to do today..." Brett said sleepily, nearing his body to the warmth that was Eddy.

"We should get up and make breakfast for Pyotr and everyone else. I am sure they would appreciate it..." Eddy coaxed, slightly moving away from Brett in order to wake him up.

"I would appreciate it if we stayed a little longer in bed... I would give you whatever you want here." Brett said, copying Eddy's tone.

Eddy was about to give in when Brett was caressing his arm but he shook himself out of the spell that Brett was creating.

"As tempting as that sounds, I would like to do something nice for Pyotr and everyone else..." Eddy said, getting up completely and removing himself off of Brett's embrace.

Eddy pulled the blanket off of Brett's body. Brett groaned and tried to pull the blanket back on his body but failed. Eddy held his hand out for Brett to take and Brett sat up and gave in. He stood up and stole a hug from Eddy.

Eddy felt his heart grow soft at the gesture and wrapped the blanket around Brett's shoulders. Brett removed his arms from Eddy's torso and wrapped himself in the blanket but his head never left Eddy's chest.

"Stop being adorable, love, we have to cook." Eddy demanded but no bite behind the words.

"Please grab my glasses and wear it in my face..." Brett requested and Eddy followed.

They both lazily walk to the kitchen and prepare. Thankfully, no one was awake yet so they could cook. Brett was sitting on the dining chair as Eddy was trying eggs.

"Love, you know that I might burn this house down if I cook..." Eddy warned, looking at Brett's relaxed state.

"You would not. I will watch you, darling. Just carry on..." Brett said, standing up to go next to Eddy.

Eddy prepared breakfast with Brett's guidance. He (surprisingly) did not burn anything. Brett was still wrapped up in their blanket.

"You really look adorable, love..." Eddy spoke softly, looking at Brett with so much love and longing.

"Do not care call me adorable, darling... I am fifty-six, thank you very much." Brett said as he pinched Eddy's cheek.

"Whether you are sixteen or fifty-six, you will always be adorable, my Brett..." Eddy said, kissing Brett's forehead.

"You flatter me too much, my beloved. I might not make it past seventy if you do that daily..." Brett said, resting his warming cheek on Eddy's shoulder.

"So what if you do not? As long as we do not make it past seventy together, we will be alright..." Eddy said, pulling Brett closer to him.

They were basking at the moment until they heard a very familiar voice.

"Not in front of the food, boys. I would not want to eat breakfast with ants..." Pyotr said with a chuckle as he rubbed his eyes.

"Shush, Pyotr... Let us have our moment." Brett said as he moved closer to Eddy.

"Always so lazy, Kotik. I am willing to bet my entire life savings on the fact that Eddy probably dragged you out of bed." Pyotr said, smirking at Brett.

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