Author's Note and New Books

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It has been the long ride for this book. It was filled with love, hate, joy, sorrow, sadness and confusion. It had been a great journey! For all my readers out there, I could name you one by one but that would probably take half of this thank you chapter.

I am glad to be able to write this story. Thank you for everyone who had read and enjoyed it. As the saying goes, "Omnia vincit amor; et nos cedamus amori."

I will see you in the next book, which shall be out by the time I finish a short book. The short book and it's first chapter should be out by new year. I do not want it to be as long as this book because that's what a "continuation" book is for.

The short book will be entitled "The Mirror has Two Faces" and if you had seen the movie, you will probably have a hunch on the storyline. It is also Breddy so need not to worry.

The "continuation" book is not directly linked to this one so you could read it alone as it is. There will be allusions to this book but it can be read as a standalone. I am so excited for the next year and my projects. The book will be entitled "Et Nos Cedamus Amori"

As you all know, the pandemic had brought a lot of sadness and every other feeling out there to us. If ever you need to hear it, you will be fine. Just stay safe and never forget your mask when you go out. Stay healthy and always remind yourself that everyday would be better.

Thank you my dear readers and I shall see you in my next book!

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